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atmos describe component


Use this command to describe the complete configuration for an Atmos component in an Atmos stack.

atmos describe component --help


Execute the atmos describe component command like this:

atmos describe component <component> -s <stack>

Run atmos describe component --help to see all the available options


atmos describe component infra/vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev

atmos describe component infra/vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --format json

atmos describe component infra/vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev -f yaml

atmos describe component infra/vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --file component.yaml

atmos describe component echo-server -s tenant1-ue2-staging

atmos describe component test/test-component-override -s tenant2-ue2-prod

atmos describe component vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --process-templates=false

atmos describe component vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --process-functions=false

atmos describe component vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --skip=terraform.output

atmos describe component vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --skip=terraform.output --skip=include

atmos describe component vpc -s tenant1-ue2-dev --skip=include,eval

atmos describe component vpc -s plat-ue2-prod --query .vars.tags

atmos describe component vpc -s plat-ue2-prod -q .settings


componentAtmos componentyes


--stackAtmos stack-syes
--formatOutput format: yaml or json (yaml is default)-fno
--fileIf specified, write the result to the fileno
--process-templatesEnable/disable processing of all Go templates
in Atmos stacks manifests when executing the command.
Use the flag to see the component configuration
before and after the templates are processed.
If the flag is not provided, it's set to true by default.
atmos describe component <c> -s <stack> --process-templates=false
--process-functionsEnable/disable processing of all Atmos YAML functions
in Atmos stacks manifests when executing the command.
Use the flag to see the component configuration
before and after the functions are processed.
If the flag is not provided, it's set to true by default.
atmos describe component <c> -s <stack> --process-functions=false
--skipSkip processing a specific Atmos YAML function
in Atmos stacks manifests when executing the command.
To specify more than one function,
use multiple --skip flags, or separate the functions with a comma:
atmos describe component <c> -s <stack> --skip=terraform.output --skip=include
atmos describe component <c> -s <stack> --skip=terraform.output,include
--queryQuery the results of the command using yq expressions.

atmos describe component <c> -s <stack> --query .vars.tags

For more details, refer to


The command outputs the final deep-merged component configuration.

The output contains the following sections:

  • atlantis_project - Atlantis project name (if Atlantis Integration is configured for the component in the stack)

  • atmos_cli_config - information about Atmos CLI configuration from atmos.yaml

  • atmos_component - Atmos component name

  • atmos_stack - Atmos stack name

  • stack - same as atmos_stack

  • atmos_stack_file - the stack manifest where the Atmos stack is defined

  • atmos_manifest - same as atmos_stack_file

  • backend - Terraform/OpenTofu backend configuration

  • backend_type - Terraform/OpenTofu backend type

  • command - the binary to execute when provisioning the component (e.g. terraform, terraform-1, tofu, helmfile)

  • component - the Terraform/OpenTofu component for which the Atmos component provides configuration

  • component_info - a block describing the Terraform or Helmfile components that the Atmos component manages. The component_info block has the following sections:

    • component_path - the filesystem path to the Terraform/OpenTofu or Helmfile component

    • component_type - the type of the component (terraform or helmfile)

    • terraform_config - if the component type is terraform, this sections describes the high-level metadata about the Terraform component from its source code, including variables, outputs and child Terraform modules (using a Terraform parser from HashiCorp). The file names and line numbers where the variables, outputs and child modules are defined are also included. Invalid Terraform configurations are also detected, and in case of any issues, the warnings and errors are shows in the terraform_config.diagnostics section

  • env - a map of ENV variables defined for the Atmos component

  • inheritance - component's inheritance chain

  • metadata - component's metadata config

  • remote_state_backend - Terraform/OpenTofu backend config for remote state

  • remote_state_backend_type - Terraform/OpenTofu backend type for remote state

  • settings - component settings (free-form map)

  • sources - sources of the values from the component's sections (vars, env, settings)

  • spacelift_stack - Spacelift stack name (if Spacelift Integration is configured for the component in the stack and settings.spacelift.workspace_enabled is set to true)

  • vars - the final deep-merged component variables that are provided to Terraform/OpenTofu and Helmfile when executing atmos terraform and atmos helmfile commands

  • workspace - Terraform/OpenTofu workspace for the Atmos component

  • imports - a list of all imports in the Atmos stack (this shows all imports in the stack, related to the component and not)

  • deps_all - a list of all component stack dependencies (stack manifests where the component settings are defined, either inline or via imports)

  • deps - a list of component stack dependencies where the final values of all component configurations are defined (after the deep-merging and processing all the inheritance chains and all the base components)

  • overrides - a map of overrides for the component. Refer to Component Overrides for more details

  • providers - a map of provider configurations for the component

Difference between imports, deps_all and deps outputs​

The difference between the imports, deps_all and deps outputs is as follows:

  • imports shows all imports in the stack for all components. This can be useful in GitHub actions and in OPA validation policies to check whether an import is allowed in the stack or not

  • deps_all shows all component stack dependencies (imports and root-level stacks) where any configuration for the component is present. This also can be useful in GitHub Actions and OPA validation policies to check whether a user or a team is allowed to import a particular config file for the component in the stack

  • deps shows all the component stack dependencies where the FINAL values from all the component sections are defined (after the deep-merging and processing all the inheritance chains and all the base components). This is useful in CI/CD systems (e.g. Spacelift) to detect only the affected files that the component depends on. deps is usually a much smaller list than deps_all and can differ from it in the following ways:

    • An Atmos component can inherit configurations from many base components, see Component Inheritance, and import those base component configurations

    • The component can override all the default variables from the base components, and the final values are not dependent on the base component configs anymore. For example, derived-component-3 import the base component base-component-4, inherits from it, and overrides all the variables:

    # Import the base component config
    - catalog/terraform/base-component-4

    component: "test/test-component" # Point to the Terraform/OpenTofu component
    # Inherit all the values from the base component
    - base-component-4
    # Override all the variables from the base component
    • Atmos detects that and does not include the base component base-component-4 config file into the deps output since the derived-component-3 does not directly depend on base-component-4 (all values are coming from the derived-component-3). This will help, for example, prevent unrelated Spacelift stack triggering

    • In the above case, the deps_all output will include both derived-component-3 and base-component-4, but the deps output will not include base-component-4

Command example​

atmos describe component test/test-component-override-3 -s tenant1-ue2-dev

atlantis_project: tenant1-ue2-dev-test-test-component-override-3
base_path: ./tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete
base_path: components/terraform
apply_auto_approve: false
deploy_run_init: true
init_run_reconfigure: true
auto_generate_backend_file: false
base_path: stacks
- orgs/**/*
- '**/_defaults.yaml'
name_pattern: '{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}'
base_path: stacks/workflows
atmos_component: test/test-component-override-3
atmos_stack: tenant1-ue2-dev
atmos_stack_file: orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
bucket: cp-ue2-root-tfstate
dynamodb_table: cp-ue2-root-tfstate-lock
key: terraform.tfstate
region: us-east-2
workspace_key_prefix: test-test-component
backend_type: s3
command: terraform
component: test/test-component
component_path: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component
component_type: terraform
path: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component
name: enabled
type: bool
description: Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources
default: null
required: false
sensitive: false
filename: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component/
line: 97
name: name
type: string
description: |
ID element. Usually the component or solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins'.
This is the only ID element not also included as a `tag`.
The "name" tag is set to the full `id` string. There is no tag with the value of the `name` input.
default: null
required: false
sensitive: false
filename: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component/
line: 127
name: service_1_name
type: string
description: Service 1 name
default: null
required: true
sensitive: false
filename: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component/
line: 6
name: service_1_id
description: Service 1 ID
sensitive: false
filename: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component/
line: 1
name: service_2_id
description: Service 2 ID
sensitive: false
filename: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component/
line: 6
name: service_1_label
source: cloudposse/label/null
version: 0.25.0
filename: tests/fixtures/scenarios/complete/components/terraform/test/test-component/
line: 1
diagnostics: []
- catalog/terraform/mixins/test-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2-override-2
- catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
- catalog/terraform/test-component
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
- mixins/region/us-east-2
- mixins/stage/dev
- orgs/cp/_defaults
- orgs/cp/tenant1/_defaults
- orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
- catalog/terraform/mixins/test-1
- catalog/terraform/mixins/test-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2-override
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2-override-2
- catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
- catalog/terraform/tenant1-ue2-dev
- catalog/terraform/test-component
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
- mixins/region/us-east-2
- mixins/stage/dev
- orgs/cp/_defaults
- orgs/cp/tenant1/_defaults
- orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
TEST_ENV_VAR1: val1-override-3
TEST_ENV_VAR2: val2-override-3
TEST_ENV_VAR3: val3-override-3
- catalog/terraform/mixins/test-1
- catalog/terraform/mixins/test-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override
- catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2-override
- catalog/terraform/services/service-2-override-2
- catalog/terraform/services/top-level-service-1
- catalog/terraform/services/top-level-service-2
- catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
- catalog/terraform/tenant1-ue2-dev
- catalog/terraform/test-component
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
- catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
- catalog/terraform/top-level-component1
- catalog/terraform/vpc
- mixins/region/us-east-2
- mixins/stage/dev
- orgs/cp/_defaults
- orgs/cp/tenant1/_defaults
- orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/_defaults
- mixin/test-2
- mixin/test-1
- test/test-component-override-2
- test/test-component-override
- test/test-component
component: test/test-component
- test/test-component-override
- test/test-component-override-2
- mixin/test-1
- mixin/test-2
terraform_workspace: test-component-override-3-workspace
bucket: cp-ue2-root-tfstate
dynamodb_table: cp-ue2-root-tfstate-lock
region: us-east-2
workspace_key_prefix: test-test-component
remote_state_backend_type: s3
is_prod: false
protect_from_deletion: true
stack_destructor_enabled: false
stack_name_pattern: '{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-new-component'
workspace_enabled: false
final_value: cp-ue2-root-tfstate
name: bucket
- stack_file: catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
stack_file_section: terraform.backend.s3
dependency_type: import
variable_value: cp-ue2-root-tfstate
- stack_file: orgs/cp/_defaults
stack_file_section: terraform.backend.s3
dependency_type: import
variable_value: cp-ue2-root-tfstate
final_value: cp-ue2-root-tfstate-lock
name: dynamodb_table
- stack_file: catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
stack_file_section: terraform.backend.s3
dependency_type: import
variable_value: cp-ue2-root-tfstate-lock
- stack_file: orgs/cp/_defaults
stack_file_section: terraform.backend.s3
dependency_type: import
variable_value: cp-ue2-root-tfstate-lock
final_value: val1-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1
protect_from_deletion: true
stack_destructor_enabled: false
stack_name_pattern: '{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-new-component'
workspace_enabled: false
name: spacelift
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.settings
workspace_enabled: false
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.settings
stack_name_pattern: '{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-new-component'
workspace_enabled: true
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.settings
workspace_enabled: true
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
stack_file_section: settings
protect_from_deletion: true
stack_destructor_enabled: false
workspace_enabled: true
final_value: true
name: enabled
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: true
- dependency_type: inline
stack_file: orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
stack_file_section: terraform.vars
variable_value: false
# Other variables are omitted for clarity
enabled: true
environment: ue2
namespace: cp
region: us-east-2
a: 1
b: 6
c: 7
d: 8
service_1_name: mixin-2
stage: dev
tenant: tenant1
workspace: test-component-override-3-workspace

Sources of Component Variables​

The sources.vars section of the output shows the final deep-merged component's variables and their inheritance chain.

Each variable descriptor has the following schema:

  • final_value - the final value of the variable after Atmos processes and deep-merges all values from all stack manifests

  • name - the variable name

  • stack_dependencies - the variable's inheritance chain (stack manifests where the values for the variable were provided). It has the following schema:

    • stack_file - the stack manifest where the value for the variable was provided
    • stack_file_section - the section of the stack manifest where the value for the variable was provided
    • variable_value - the variable's value
    • dependency_type - how the variable was defined (inline or import). inline means the variable was defined in one of the sections in the stack manifest. import means the stack manifest where the variable is defined was imported into the parent Atmos stack

For example:

atmos describe component test/test-component-override-3 -s tenant1-ue2-dev

final_value: true
name: enabled
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: true
- dependency_type: inline
stack_file: orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
stack_file_section: terraform.vars
variable_value: false
- dependency_type: inline
stack_file: orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
stack_file_section: vars
variable_value: true
final_value: ue2
name: environment
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: mixins/region/us-east-2
stack_file_section: vars
variable_value: ue2
final_value: cp
name: namespace
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: orgs/cp/_defaults
stack_file_section: vars
variable_value: cp
final_value: us-east-2
name: region
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: mixins/region/us-east-2
stack_file_section: vars
variable_value: us-east-2
a: 1
b: 6
c: 7
d: 8
name: service_1_map
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
b: 6
c: 7
d: 8
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
final_value: mixin-2
name: service_1_name
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/mixins/test-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: mixin-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/mixins/test-1
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: mixin-1
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: service-1-override-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/tenant1-ue2-dev
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: service-1-override-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/services/service-1-override
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: service-1-override
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/services/service-1
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: service-1
final_value: dev
name: stage
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: mixins/stage/dev
stack_file_section: vars
variable_value: dev

The stack_dependencies inheritance chain shows the variable sources in the reverse order the sources were processed. The first item in the list was processed the last and its variable_value overrode all the previous values of the variable.

For example, the component's enabled variable has the following inheritance chain:

final_value: true
name: enabled
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.vars
variable_value: true
- dependency_type: inline
stack_file: orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
stack_file_section: terraform.vars
variable_value: false
- dependency_type: inline
stack_file: orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2
stack_file_section: vars
variable_value: true

Which we can interpret as follows (reading from the last to the first item in the stack_dependencies list):

  • In the orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2 stack manifest (the last item in the list), the value for enabled was set to true in the global vars section (inline)

  • Then in the same orgs/cp/tenant1/dev/us-east-2 stack manifest, the value for enabled was set to false in the terraform.vars section (inline). This value overrode the value set in the global vars section

  • Finally, in the catalog/terraform/test-component stack manifest (which was imported into the parent Atmos stack via import), the value for enabled was set to true in the components.terraform.vars section of the test/test-component-override-3 Atmos component. This value overrode all the previous values arriving at the final_value: true for the variable. This final value is then set for the enabled variable of the Terraform component test/test-component when Atmos executes atmos terraform apply test/test-component-override-3 -s <stack> command

Sources of Component ENV Variables​

The sources.env section of the output shows the final deep-merged component's environment variables and their inheritance chain.

Each variable descriptor has the following schema:

  • final_value - the final value of the variable after Atmos processes and deep-merges all values from all stack manifests

  • name - the variable name

  • stack_dependencies - the variable's inheritance chain (stack manifests where the values for the variable were provided). It has the following schema:

    • stack_file - the stack manifest where the value for the variable was provided
    • stack_file_section - the section of the stack manifest where the value for the variable was provided
    • variable_value - the variable's value
    • dependency_type - how the variable was defined (inline or import). inline means the variable was defined in one of the sections in the stack manifest. import means the stack manifest where the variable is defined was imported into the parent Atmos stack

For example:

atmos describe component test/test-component-override-3 -s tenant1-ue2-dev

final_value: val1-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1
final_value: val2-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val2-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val2-override-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val2
final_value: val3-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val3-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val3-override
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val3

The stack_dependencies inheritance chain shows the ENV variable sources in the reverse order the sources were processed. The first item in the list was processed the last and its variable_value overrode all the previous values of the variable.

For example, the component's TEST_ENV_VAR1 ENV variable has the following inheritance chain:

final_value: val1-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override-3
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override-2
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1-override
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.env
variable_value: val1

Which we can interpret as follows (reading from the last to the first item in the stack_dependencies list):

  • In the catalog/terraform/test-component stack manifest (the last item in the list), the value for the TEST_ENV_VAR1 ENV variable was set to val1 in the components.terraform.env section

  • Then the value was set to val1-override in the catalog/terraform/test-component-override stack manifest. This value overrides the value set in the catalog/terraform/test-component stack manifest

  • Then the value was set to val1-override-2 in the catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2 stack manifest. This value overrides the values set in the catalog/terraform/test-component and catalog/terraform/test-component-override stack manifests

  • Finally, in the catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3 stack manifest (which was imported into the parent Atmos stack via import), the value was set to val1-override-3 in the components.terraform.env section of the test/test-component-override-3 Atmos component. This value overrode all the previous values arriving at the final_value: val1-override-3 for the ENV variable

Sources of Component Settings​

The sources.settings section of the output shows the final deep-merged component's settings and their inheritance chain.

Each setting descriptor has the following schema:

  • final_value - the final value of the setting after Atmos processes and deep-merges all values from all stack manifests

  • name - the setting name

  • stack_dependencies - the setting's inheritance chain (stack manifests where the values for the variable were provided). It has the following schema:

    • stack_file - the stack manifest where the value for the setting was provided
    • stack_file_section - the section of the stack manifest where the value for the setting was provided
    • variable_value - the setting's value
    • dependency_type - how the setting was defined (inline or import). inline means the setting was defined in one of the sections in the stack manifest. import means the stack config file where the setting is defined was imported into the parent Atmos stack

For example:

atmos describe component test/test-component-override-3 -s tenant1-ue2-dev

protect_from_deletion: true
stack_destructor_enabled: false
stack_name_pattern: '{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-new-component'
workspace_enabled: false
name: spacelift
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-3
stack_file_section: components.terraform.settings
workspace_enabled: false
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component-override-2
stack_file_section: components.terraform.settings
stack_name_pattern: '{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-new-component'
workspace_enabled: true
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/test-component
stack_file_section: components.terraform.settings
workspace_enabled: true
- dependency_type: import
stack_file: catalog/terraform/spacelift-and-backend-override-1
stack_file_section: settings
protect_from_deletion: true
stack_destructor_enabled: false
workspace_enabled: true

The stack_dependencies inheritance chain shows the sources of the setting in the reverse order the sources were processed. The first item in the list was processed the last and its variable_value overrode all the previous values of the setting.