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CLI Configuration

Use the atmos.yaml configuration file to control the behavior of the atmos CLI

Everything in the atmos CLI is configurable. The defaults are established in the atmos.yaml configuration file. The CLI configuration should not be confused with Stack configurations, which have a different schema.

Think of this file as where you bootstrap the settings or configuration of your project. If you'll be using terraform, then this is where you'd specify the command to run (e.g. opentofu), the base path location of the components, and so forth.

Configuration File (atmos.yaml)​

The CLI config is loaded from the following locations (from lowest to highest priority):

  • System directory (/usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml on Linux, %LOCALAPPDATA%/atmos/atmos.yaml on Windows)
  • Home directory (~/.atmos/atmos.yaml)
  • Current directory (./atmos.yaml)
  • Environment variable ATMOS_CLI_CONFIG_PATH (the ENV var should point to a folder without specifying the file name)

Each configuration file discovered is deep-merged with the preceding configurations.


Atmos supports POSIX-style greedy Globs for all file names/paths (double-star/globstar ** is supported as well)

Default CLI Configuration​

If atmos.yaml is not found in any of the searched locations, Atmos will use the following default CLI configuration:


base_path: "."
base_path: components/terraform
apply_auto_approve: false
deploy_run_init: true
init_run_reconfigure: true
auto_generate_backend_file: true
base_path: components/helmfile
use_eks: true
kubeconfig_path: /dev/shm
helm_aws_profile_pattern: '{namespace}-{tenant}-gbl-{stage}-helm'
cluster_name_pattern: '{namespace}-{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-eks-cluster'
base_path: stacks
- "orgs/**/*"
- "**/_defaults.yaml"
# To define Atmos stack naming convention, use either `name_pattern` or `name_template`.
# `name_template` has higher priority (if `name_template` is specified, `name_pattern` will be ignored).
# `name_pattern` uses the predefined context tokens {namespace}, {tenant}, {environment}, {stage}.
# `name_pattern` can also be set using 'ATMOS_STACKS_NAME_PATTERN' ENV var
name_pattern: "{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}"
# `name_template` is a Golang template.
# For the template tokens, and you can use any Atmos sections and attributes that the Atmos command
# `atmos describe component <component> -s <stack>` generates (refer to
# `name_template` can also be set using 'ATMOS_STACKS_NAME_TEMPLATE' ENV var
# name_template: "{{.vars.tenant}}-{{.vars.environment}}-{{.vars.stage}}"
base_path: stacks/workflows
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_LOGS_FILE' ENV var, or '--logs-file' command-line argument
# File or standard file descriptor to write logs to
# Logs can be written to any file or any standard file descriptor, including `/dev/stdout`, `/dev/stderr` and `/dev/null`
file: "/dev/stderr"
# Supported log levels: Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Off
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL' ENV var, or '--logs-level' command-line argument
level: Info
base_path: stacks/schemas/jsonschema
base_path: stacks/schemas/opa
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true

If Atmos does not find an atmos.yaml file and the default CLI config is used, and if you set the ENV variable ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL to Debug (e.g. export ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL=Debug) before executing Atmos commands, you'll see the following message:

atmos CLI command mode 1

What follows are all the sections of the atmos.yaml configuration file.

Base Path​

The base path for components, stacks, workflows and validation configurations. It can also be set using ATMOS_BASE_PATH environment variable, or by passing the --base-path command-line argument. It supports both absolute and relative paths.

If not provided or is an empty string, components.terraform.base_path, components.helmfile.base_path, stacks.base_path and workflows.base_path are independent settings (supporting both absolute and relative paths).

If base_path is provided, components.terraform.base_path, components.helmfile.base_path, stacks.base_path, workflows.base_path, schemas.jsonschema.base_path and schemas.opa.base_path are considered paths relative to base_path.

base_path: "."


The settings section configures Atmos global settings.


# `list_merge_strategy` specifies how lists are merged in Atmos stack manifests.
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_SETTINGS_LIST_MERGE_STRATEGY' environment variable, or '--settings-list-merge-strategy' command-line argument
# The following strategies are supported:
# `replace`: Most recent list imported wins (the default behavior).
# `append`: The sequence of lists is appended in the same order as imports.
# `merge`: The items in the destination list are deep-merged with the items in the source list.
# The items in the source list take precedence.
# The items are processed starting from the first up to the length of the source list (the remaining items are not processed).
# If the source and destination lists have the same length, all items in the destination lists are
# deep-merged with all items in the source list.
list_merge_strategy: replace

Specifies how lists are merged in Atmos stack manifests.

The following strategies are supported:

Most recent list imported wins (the default behavior).
The sequence of lists is appended in the same order as imports.
The items in the destination list are deep-merged with the items in the source list. The items in the source list take precedence. The items are processed starting from the first up to the length of the source list (the remaining items are not processed). If the source and destination lists have the same length, all items in the destination lists are deep-merged with all items in the source list.



# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_WORKFLOWS_BASE_PATH' ENV var, or '--workflows-dir' command-line argument
# Supports both absolute and relative paths
base_path: "stacks/workflows"


Atmos supports many native Atmos integrations. They extend the core functionality of Atmos.


# Integrations

# Atlantis integration
# Path and name of the Atlantis config file 'atlantis.yaml'
# Supports absolute and relative paths
# All the intermediate folders will be created automatically (e.g. 'path: /config/atlantis/atlantis.yaml')
# Can be overridden on the command line by using '--output-path' command-line argument in 'atmos atlantis generate repo-config' command
# If not specified (set to an empty string/omitted here, and set to an empty string on the command line), the content of the file will be dumped to 'stdout'
# On Linux/macOS, you can also use '--output-path=/dev/stdout' to dump the content to 'stdout' without setting it to an empty string in 'atlantis.path'
path: "atlantis.yaml"

# Config templates
# Select a template by using the '--config-template <config_template>' command-line argument in 'atmos atlantis generate repo-config' command
version: 3
automerge: true
delete_source_branch_on_merge: true
parallel_plan: true
parallel_apply: true
- dev/
- staging/
- prod/

# Project templates
# Select a template by using the '--project-template <project_template>' command-line argument in 'atmos atlantis generate repo-config' command
# generate a project entry for each component in every stack
name: "{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-{component}"
workspace: "{workspace}"
dir: "{component-path}"
terraform_version: v1.2
delete_source_branch_on_merge: true
enabled: true
- "**/*.tf"
- "varfiles/$PROJECT_NAME.tfvars.json"
- "approved"

# Workflow templates
- run: terraform init -input=false
# When using workspaces, you need to select the workspace using the $WORKSPACE environment variable
- run: terraform workspace select $WORKSPACE || terraform workspace new $WORKSPACE
# You must output the plan using '-out $PLANFILE' because Atlantis expects plans to be in a specific location
- run: terraform plan -input=false -refresh -out $PLANFILE -var-file varfiles/$PROJECT_NAME.tfvars.json
- run: terraform apply $PLANFILE

For more information, refer to Atmos Integrations.


Configure the paths where to find OPA and JSON Schema files to validate Atmos stack manifests and components.


# Validation schemas (for validating atmos stacks and components)
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_SCHEMAS_JSONSCHEMA_BASE_PATH' ENV var, or '--schemas-jsonschema-dir' command-line argument
# Supports both absolute and relative paths
base_path: "stacks/schemas/jsonschema"
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_SCHEMAS_OPA_BASE_PATH' ENV var, or '--schemas-opa-dir' command-line argument
# Supports both absolute and relative paths
base_path: "stacks/schemas/opa"
# JSON Schema to validate Atmos manifests
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_SCHEMAS_ATMOS_MANIFEST' ENV var, or '--schemas-atmos-manifest' command-line argument
# Supports both absolute and relative paths (relative to the `base_path` setting in `atmos.yaml`)
manifest: "stacks/schemas/atmos/atmos-manifest/1.0/atmos-manifest.json"


Logs are configured in the logs section:


# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_LOGS_FILE' ENV var, or '--logs-file' command-line argument
# File or standard file descriptor to write logs to
# Logs can be written to any file or any standard file descriptor, including `/dev/stdout`, `/dev/stderr` and `/dev/null`
file: "/dev/stderr"
# Supported log levels: Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Off
# Can also be set using 'ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL' ENV var, or '--logs-level' command-line argument
level: Info
  • logs.file - the file to write Atmos logs to. Logs can be written to any file or any standard file descriptor, including /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr and /dev/null. If omitted, /dev/stdout will be used. The environment variable ATMOS_LOGS_FILE can also be used to specify the log file

  • logs.level - Log level. Supported log levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Off. If the log level is set to Off, Atmos will not log any messages (note that this does not prevent other tools like Terraform from logging). The environment variable ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL can also be used to specify the log level

To prevent Atmos from logging any messages (except for the outputs of the executed commands), you can do one of the following:

  • Set logs.file or the ENV variable ATMOS_LOGS_FILE to /dev/null

  • Set logs.level or the ENV variable ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL to Off

Note that when you set the log level to Debug or Trace, Atmos will log additional messages before printing the output of an executed command. For example, let's consider the atmos describe affected command:


file: "/dev/stdout"
level: Trace

atmos describe affected

Checking out Git ref 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD' ...
Checked out Git ref 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD'

Current HEAD: ffd2154e1daa32357b75460b9f45d268922b51e1 refs/heads/update-logs
BASE: f7aa382aa8b3d48be8f06cfdb27aad344b89aff4 HEAD

Changed files:


Affected components and stacks:

"component": "vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/quick-start-advanced/components/terraform/vpc",
"stack": "plat-uw2-prod",
"stack_slug": "plat-uw2-prod-vpc",
"affected": "stack.vars"
"component": "vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/quick-start-advanced/components/terraform/vpc",
"stack": "plat-ue2-prod",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-prod-vpc",
"affected": "stack.vars"

With logs.level: Trace, and logs.file: "/dev/stdout", all the messages and the command's JSON output will be printed to the console to the /dev/stdout standard output.

This behavior might be undesirable when you execute the command atmos describe affected in CI/CD (e.g. GitHub Actions).

For example, you might want to log all the Atmos messages (by setting logs.level: Trace) for debugging purposes, and also want to parse the JSON output of the command (e.g. by using jq) for further processing. In this case, jq will not be able to parse the JSON output because all the other messages make the output an invalid JSON document.

To deal with that, you can set logs.file to /dev/stderr in atmos.yaml:


file: "/dev/stderr"
level: Trace

Now when the atmos describe affected command is executed, the additional messages are printed to /dev/stderr, but the command's JSON output is printed to /dev/stdout, allowing jq to parse it without errors.

atmos describe affected

# NOTE: These messages are printed to `/dev/stderr`

Checking out Git ref 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD' ...
Checked out Git ref 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD'
Current HEAD: ffd2154e1daa32357b75460b9f45d268922b51e1 refs/heads/update-logs
BASE: f7aa382aa8b3d48be8f06cfdb27aad344b89aff4 HEAD

# NOTE: This JSON output is printed to `/dev/stdout`

"component": "vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/quick-start-advanced/components/terraform/vpc",
"stack": "plat-uw2-prod",
"stack_slug": "plat-uw2-prod-vpc",
"affected": "stack.vars"
"component": "vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/quick-start-advanced/components/terraform/vpc",
"stack": "plat-ue2-prod",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-prod-vpc",
"affected": "stack.vars"


CLI command aliases are configured in the aliases section.

An alias lets you create a shortcut name for an existing CLI command. Any CLI command can be aliased, including the Atmos native commands like terraform apply or describe stacks, as well as Atmos Custom Commands.

For example:


# CLI command aliases
# Aliases for Atmos native commands
tf: terraform
tp: terraform plan
up: terraform apply
down: terraform destroy
ds: describe stacks
dc: describe component
# Aliases for Atmos custom commands
ls: list stacks
lc: list components

Execute an alias as you would any Atmos native or custom command:

'atmos ls' command alias

> atmos ls


The aliases configured in the aliases section automatically appear in Atmos help, and are shown as alias for '<command>'.

For example:

atmos --help

atmos --help

An alias automatically supports all command line arguments and flags that the aliased command accepts.

For example:

  • atmos up <component> -s <stack> supports all the parameters from the aliased command atmos terraform apply <component> -s <stack>
  • atmos dc <component> -s <stack> supports all the parameters from the aliased command atmos describe component <component> -s <stack>


Atmos supports Go templates in stack manifests.

Sprig Functions, Gomplate Functions and Gomplate Datasources are supported as well.


For more details, refer to Atmos Stack Manifest Templating


enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
# Timeout in seconds to execute the datasources
timeout: 5
# 'http' datasource
url: ""
- "application/json"
# 'file' datasources
url: "./config1.json"
url: "file:///config2.json"
  • templates.settings.enabled - a boolean flag to enable/disable the processing of Go templates in Atmos stack manifests. If set to false, Atmos will not process Go templates in stack manifests

  • templates.settings.sprig.enabled - a boolean flag to enable/disable the Sprig Functions in Atmos stack manifests

  • templates.settings.gomplate.enabled - a boolean flag to enable/disable the Gomplate Functions and Gomplate Datasources in Atmos stack manifests

  • templates.settings.gomplate.timeout - timeout in seconds to execute Gomplate Datasources

  • templates.settings.gomplate.datasources - a map of Gomplate Datasource definitions:

    • The keys of the map are the datasource names, which are used in Go templates in Atmos stack manifests. For example:

      provisioned_by_ip: '{{ (datasource "ip").ip }}'
      config1_tag: '{{ (datasource "config-1").tag }}'
      config2_service_name: '{{ (datasource "config-2") }}'
    • The values of the map are the datasource definitions with the following schema:

      • url - the Datasource URL

      • headers - a map of HTTP request headers for the http datasource. The keys of the map are the header names. The values of the map are lists of values for the header.

        The following configuration will result in the accept: application/json HTTP header being sent with the HTTP request to the datasource:

        - "application/json"

Some functions are present in both Sprig and Gomplate.

For example, the env function has the same name in Sprig and Gomplate, but has different syntax and accept different number of arguments.

If you use the env function from one templating engine and enable both Sprig and Gomplate, it will be invalid in the other templating engine, and an error will be thrown.

For this reason, you can use the templates.settings.sprig.enabled and templates.settings.gomplate.enabled settings to selectively enable/disable the Sprig and Gomplate functions.

Environment Variables​

Most YAML settings can also be defined by environment variables. This is helpful while doing local development. For example, setting ATMOS_STACKS_BASE_PATH to a path in /localhost to your local development folder, will enable you to rapidly iterate.

VariableYAML PathDescription
ATMOS_CLI_CONFIG_PATHN/AWhere to find atmos.yaml. Path to a folder where atmos.yaml CLI config file is located (e.g. /config)
ATMOS_BASE_PATHbase_pathBase path to components and stacks folders
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_TERRAFORM_COMMANDcomponents.terraform.commandThe executable to be called by atmos when running Terraform commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_TERRAFORM_BASE_PATHcomponents.terraform.base_pathBase path to Terraform components
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_TERRAFORM_APPLY_AUTO_APPROVEcomponents.terraform.apply_auto_approveIf set to true, auto-generate Terraform backend config files when executing atmos terraform commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_TERRAFORM_DEPLOY_RUN_INITcomponents.terraform.deploy_run_initRun terraform init when executing atmos terraform deploy command
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_TERRAFORM_INIT_RUN_RECONFIGUREcomponents.terraform.init_run_reconfigureRun terraform init -reconfigure when executing atmos terraform commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_TERRAFORM_AUTO_GENERATE_BACKEND_FILEcomponents.terraform.auto_generate_backend_fileIf set to true, auto-generate Terraform backend config files when executing atmos terraform commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_HELMFILE_COMMANDcomponents.helmfile.commandThe executable to be called by atmos when running Helmfile commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_HELMFILE_BASE_PATHcomponents.helmfile.base_pathPath to helmfile components
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_HELMFILE_USE_EKScomponents.helmfile.use_eksIf set to true, download kubeconfig from EKS by running aws eks update-kubeconfig command before executing atmos helmfile commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_HELMFILE_KUBECONFIG_PATHcomponents.helmfile.kubeconfig_pathPath to write the kubeconfig file when executing aws eks update-kubeconfig command
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_HELMFILE_HELM_AWS_PROFILE_PATTERNcomponents.helmfile.helm_aws_profile_patternPattern for AWS profile to use when executing atmos helmfile commands
ATMOS_COMPONENTS_HELMFILE_CLUSTER_NAME_PATTERNcomponents.helmfile.cluster_name_patternPattern for EKS cluster name to use when executing atmos helmfile commands
ATMOS_STACKS_BASE_PATHstacks.base_pathBase path to Atmos stack manifests
ATMOS_STACKS_INCLUDED_PATHSstacks.included_pathsList of paths to use as top-level stack manifests
ATMOS_STACKS_EXCLUDED_PATHSstacks.excluded_pathsList of paths to not consider as top-level stacks
ATMOS_STACKS_NAME_PATTERNstacks.name_patternStack name pattern to use as Atmos stack names
ATMOS_STACKS_NAME_TEMPLATEstacks.name_templateStack name Golang template to use as Atmos stack names
ATMOS_WORKFLOWS_BASE_PATHworkflows.base_pathBase path to Atmos workflows
ATMOS_SCHEMAS_JSONSCHEMA_BASE_PATHschemas.jsonschema.base_pathBase path to JSON schemas for component validation
ATMOS_SCHEMAS_OPA_BASE_PATHschemas.opa.base_pathBase path to OPA policies for component validation
ATMOS_SCHEMAS_ATMOS_MANIFESTschemas.atmos.manifestPath to JSON Schema to validate Atmos stack manifests. For more details, refer to Atmos Manifest JSON Schema
ATMOS_LOGS_FILElogs.fileThe file to write Atmos logs to. Logs can be written to any file or any standard file descriptor, including /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr and /dev/null). If omitted, /dev/stdout will be used
ATMOS_LOGS_LEVELlogs.levelLogs level. Supported log levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Off. If the log level is set to Off, Atmos will not log any messages (note that this does not prevent other tools like Terraform from logging)
ATMOS_SETTINGS_LIST_MERGE_STRATEGYsettings.list_merge_strategySpecifies how lists are merged in Atmos stack manifests. The following strategies are supported: replace, append, merge