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Inherit Configurations in Atmos Stacks

Inheritance provides a template-free way to customize Stack configurations. When combined with imports, it provides the ability to combine multiple configurations through ordered deep-merging of configurations. Inheritance is how you manage configuration variations, without resorting to templating.

Atmos supports the following concepts and principles of Component-Oriented Programming (COP):

  • Single Inheritance - when an Atmos component inherits the configuration properties from another Atmos component

  • Multiple Inheritance - when an Atmos component inherits the configuration from more than one Atmos component

These concepts and principles are implemented and used in Atmos by combining two features: import and metadata component's configuration section.


The mechanics of mixins and inheritance apply only to the Stack configurations. Atmos knows nothing about the underlying components (e.g. terraform), and does not magically implement inheritance for HCL. However, by designing highly reusable components that do one thing well, we're able to achieve many of the same benefits.

Component Inheritance is implemented and used in Atmos by combining two features: import and metadata component's configuration section.


Base Component
is an Atmos component from which other Atmos components inherit all the configuration properties
Derived Component
is an Atmos component that derives the configuration properties from other Atmos components

Understanding Inheritance

The concept of inheritance in Atmos is implemented through deep merging. Deep merging involves taking two maps or objects and combining them in a specific order, where the values in the latter map override those in the former. This approach allows us to achieve a template-free way of defining configurations in a logical, predictable, and consistent manner.

Single Inheritance


Single Inheritance is used when an Atmos component inherits from another base Atmos component.

In the diagram below, ComponentA is the base component. ComponentB and ComponentC are derived components, they inherit all the configurations (vars, settings, env and other sections) from ComponentA, and can override the default values from ComponentA.

Single Inheritance Example

Let's say we want to provision two VPCs with different settings into the same AWS account.

In the stacks/catalog/vpc.yaml file, add the following config for the VPC component:


# Setting `metadata.type: abstract` makes the component `abstract`,
# explicitly prohibiting the component from being deployed.
# `atmos terraform apply` will fail with an error.
# If `metadata.type` attribute is not specified, it defaults to `real`.
# `real` components can be provisioned by `atmos` and CI/CD like Spacelift and Atlantis.
type: abstract
# Default variables, which will be inherited and can be overridden in the derived components
public_subnets_enabled: false
nat_gateway_enabled: false
nat_instance_enabled: false
max_subnet_count: 3
vpc_flow_logs_enabled: true

In the configuration above, the following Component-Oriented Programming concepts are implemented:

  • Abstract Components: atmos component vpc-defaults is marked as abstract in metadata.type. This makes the component non-deployable, and it can be used only as a base for other components that inherit from it
  • Dynamic Polymorphism: All the variables in the vars section become the default values for the derived components. This provides the ability to override and use the base component properties in the derived components to provision the same Terraform configuration many times but with different settings
Deep Dive

Component Inheritance is one of the principles of Component-Oriented Programming (COP) supported by Atmos.

The concept is borrowed from Object-Oriented Programming to logically organize complex configurations in a way that makes conceptual sense. The side effect of this are extremely DRY and reusable configurations.

Component-Oriented Configuration is a reuse-based approach to defining, implementing and composing loosely-coupled independent components into systems.

Dynamic Polymorphism
Ability to use and override base component(s) properties
Enclose a set of related configuration properties into reusable loosely-coupled modules. Encapsulation is implemented by Atmos Components which are opinionated building blocks of Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) that solve one specific problem or use-case
  • Principle of Abstraction: In a given stack, "hide" all but the relevant information about a component configuration in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency
  • Abstract Components: If a component is marked as abstract, it can be used only as a base for other components and can't be provisioned using atmos

In the stacks/ue2-dev.yaml stack config file, add the following config for the derived VPC components in the ue2-dev stack:


# Import the base component configuration from the `catalog`.
# `import` supports POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star `**` is supported).
# File extensions are optional (if not specified, `.yaml` is used by default).
- catalog/vpc


component: infra/vpc # Point to the Terraform component in `components/terraform` folder
- vpc-defaults # Inherit all settings and variables from the `vpc-defaults` base component
# Define variables that are specific for this component
# and are not set in the base component
name: vpc-1
# Override the default variables from the base component
public_subnets_enabled: true
nat_gateway_enabled: true
vpc_flow_logs_enabled: false

component: infra/vpc # Point to the same Terraform component in `components/terraform` folder
- vpc-defaults # Inherit all settings and variables from the `vpc-defaults` base component
# Define variables that are specific for this component
# and are not set in the base component
name: vpc-2
# Override the default variables from the base component
max_subnet_count: 2
vpc_flow_logs_enabled: false

In the configuration above, the following Component-Oriented Programming concepts are implemented:

  • Component Inheritance: In the ue2-dev stack (stacks/ue2-dev.yaml stack config file), the Atmos components vpc/1 and vpc/2 inherit from the base component vpc-defaults. This makes vpc/1 and vpc/2 derived components
  • Principle of Abstraction: In the ue2-dev stack, only the relevant information about the derived components in the stack is shown. All the base component settings are "hidden" (in the imported catalog), which reduces the configuration size and complexity
  • Dynamic Polymorphism: The derived vpc/1 and vpc/2 components override and use the base component properties to be able to provision the same Terraform configuration many times but with different settings

Having the components in the stack configured as shown above, we can now provision the vpc/1 and vpc/2 components into the ue2-dev stack by executing the following atmos commands:

atmos terraform apply vpc/1 -s ue2-dev
atmos terraform apply vpc/2 -s ue2-dev

As we can see, using the principles of Component-Oriented Programming (COP), we are able to define two (or more) components with different settings, and provision them into the same (or different) environment (account/region) using the same Terraform code (which is environment-agnostic). And the configurations are extremely DRY and reusable.

Multiple Inheritance


Multiple Inheritance is used when an Atmos component inherits from more than one Atmos component.

In the diagram below, ComponentA and ComponentB are the base components. ComponentC is a derived components, it inherits all the configurations (vars, settings, env and other sections) from ComponentA and ComponentB, and can override the default values from ComponentA and ComponentB.

Multiple Inheritance allows a component to inherit from many base components or mixins, each base component having its own inheritance chain, effectively making it an inheritance matrix. It uses a method similar to Method Resolution Order (MRO) using the C3 linearization algorithm, which is how Python supports multiple inheritance.


In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a mixin is a class that contains methods for use by other classes without having to be the parent class of those other classes.

In Component-Oriented Programming (COP) implemented in Atmos, a mixin is an abstract base component that is never meant to be provisioned and does not have any physical implementation - it just contains default settings/variables/properties for use by other Atmos components.

Multiple Inheritance, similarly to Single Inheritance, is defined by the metadata.inherits section in the component configuration. metadata.inherits is a list of component or mixins names from which the current component inherits. In the case of multiple base components, it is processed in the order by which it was declared.

For example, in the following configuration:

- componentA
- componentB

Atmos will recursively deep-merge all the base components of componentA (each component overriding its base), then all the base components of componentB (each component overriding its base), then the two results are deep-merged together with componentB inheritance chain overriding the values from componentA inheritance chain.


All the base components/mixins referenced by metadata.inherits must be already defined in the Stack configuration, either by using an import statement or by explicitly defining them in the Stack configuration. The metadata.inherits statement does not imply that we are importing anything.

Multiple Inheritance Example

Here is a concrete example:


# Import all the base components and mixins we want to inherit from.
# `import` supports POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star `**` is supported).
- catalog/terraform/test/test-component-override
- catalog/terraform/test/test-component-override-2
- catalog/terraform/mixins/test-*.*

vars: {}
# `real` is implicit, you don't need to specify it.
# `abstract` makes the component protected from being deployed.
type: real
# Terraform component. Must exist in `components/terraform` folder.
# If not specified, it's assumed that this component `test/test-component-override-3`
# is also a Terraform component in
# `components/terraform/test/test-component-override-3` folder.
component: "test/test-component"
# Multiple inheritance.
# It's a down-top/left-right matrix similar to Method Resolution Order (MRO) in Python.
- "test/test-component-override"
- "test/test-component-override-2"
- "mixin/test-1"
- "mixin/test-2"

In the configuration above, all the base components and mixins are processed and deep-merged in the order they are specified in the inherits list:

  • test/test-component-override-2 overrides test/test-component-override and its base components (all the way up its inheritance chain)

  • mixin/test-1 overrides test/test-component-override-2 and its base components (all the way up its inheritance chain)

  • mixin/test-2 overrides mixin/test-1 and its base components (all the way up its inheritance chain)

  • The current component test/test-component-override-3 overrides mixin/test-2 and its base components (all the way up its inheritance chain)

When we run the following command to provision the test/test-component-override-3 Atmos component into the stack tenant1-ue2-dev:

atmos terraform apply test/test-component-override-3 -s tenant1-ue2-dev

Atmos will process all configurations for the current component and all the base components/mixins and will show the following console output:

Command info:
Atmos component: test/test-component-override-3
Terraform component: test/test-component
Terraform command: apply
Stack: tenant1-ue2-dev
Inheritance: test/test-component-override-3 -> mixin/test-2 -> mixin/test-1 ->
test/test-component-override-2 -> test/test-component-override -> test/test-component

The Inheritance output shows the multiple inheritance steps that Atmos performed and deep-merged into the final configuration, including the variables which are sent to the Terraform component test/test-component that is being provisioned.

Multilevel Inheritance


Multilevel Inheritance is used when an Atmos component inherits from a base Atmos component, which in turn inherits from another base Atmos component.

In the diagram below, ComponentC directly inherits from ComponentB. ComponentB directly inherits from ComponentA.

After this Multilevel Inheritance chain gets processed by Atmos, ComponentC will inherit all the configurations (vars, settings, env and other sections) from both ComponentB and ComponentA.

Note that ComponentB overrides the values from ComponentA. ComponentC overrides the values from both ComponentB and ComponentA.

Hierarchical Inheritance


Hierarchical Inheritance is a combination of Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance.

In Hierarchical Inheritance, every component can act as a base component for one or more child (derived) components, and each derived component can inherit from one of more base components.

In the diagram above:

  • ComponentA is the base component of the whole hierarchy

  • ComponentB and ComponentC inherit from ComponentA

  • ComponentD inherits from ComponentB directly, and from ComponentA via Multilevel Inheritance

  • ComponentE is an example of using both Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance. It inherits from ComponentB and ComponentH directly, and from ComponentA via Multilevel Inheritance

For ComponentE, the inherited components are processed and deep-merged in the order they are specified in the inherits list:

  • ComponentB overrides the configuration from ComponentA

  • ComponentH overrides the configuration from ComponentB and ComponentA (since it's defined after ComponentB in the inherits section)

  • And finally, ComponentE overrides ComponentH, ComponentB and ComponentA

For ComponentG:

  • ComponentI is processed first (since it's the first item in the inherits list)

  • Then ComponentA is processed (since it's the base component for ComponentC which is the second item in the inherits list)

  • Then ComponentC is processed, and it overrides the configuration from ComponentA and ComponentI

  • And finally, ComponentG is processed, and it overrides ComponentC, ComponentA and ComponentI

Hierarchical Inheritance Example

Let's consider the following configuration for Atmos components base-component-1, base-component-2, derived-component-1 and derived-component-2:



type: abstract
hierarchical_inheritance_test: "base-component-1"

type: abstract
hierarchical_inheritance_test: "base-component-2"

component: "test/test-component"
- base-component-1
vars: {}

component: "test/test-component"
- base-component-2
- derived-component-1
vars: {}

This configuration can be represented by the following diagram:

In the configuration above, derived-component-1 inherits from base-component-1.

derived-component-2 inherits from base-component-2 and derived-component-1 via Multiple Inheritance, and from base-component-1 via Multilevel Inheritance.

The derived-component-2 component is processed in the following order:

  • base-component-2 is processed first (since it's the first item in the inherits list)

  • Then base-component-1 is processed (since it's the base component for derived-component-1 which is the second item in the inherits list), and it overrides the configuration from base-component-2

  • Then derived-component-1 is processed, and it overrides the configuration from base-component-2 and base-component-1

  • And finally, derived-component-2 is processed, and it overrides derived-component-1, base-component-1 and base-component-2

When we run the following command to provision the derived-component-2 component, Atmos will show the following console output:

atmos terraform plan derived-component-2 -s tenant1-ue2-test-1

Variables for the component 'derived-component-2' in the stack 'tenant1-ue2-test-1':
environment: ue2
hierarchical_inheritance_test: base-component-1
namespace: cp
region: us-east-2
stage: test-1
tenant: tenant1

Command info:
Terraform binary: terraform
Terraform command: plan
Component: derived-component-2
Terraform component: test/test-component
Inheritance: derived-component-2 -> derived-component-1 -> base-component-1 -> base-component-2

Note that the hierarchical_inheritance_test variable was inherited from base-component-1 because it overrode the configuration from base-component-2.

If we change the order of the components in the inherits list for derived-component-2:



component: "test/test-component"
- derived-component-1
- base-component-2
vars: {}

base-component-2 will be processed after base-component-1 and derived-component-1, and the hierarchical_inheritance_test variable will be inherited from base-component-2:

Variables for the component 'derived-component-2' in the stack 'tenant1-ue2-test-1':
environment: ue2
hierarchical_inheritance_test: base-component-2
namespace: cp
region: us-east-2
stage: test-1
tenant: tenant1

Command info:
Terraform binary: terraform
Terraform command: plan
Component: derived-component-2
Terraform component: test/test-component
Inheritance: derived-component-2 -> base-component-2 -> derived-component-1 -> base-component-1
