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Atmos Components

Components are opinionated, self-contained building blocks of Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) that solve one specific problem or use-case. Those Components are then configured inside of one or more Stacks.

Atmos was designed to be tool-agnostic, but also supports several native integrations with tools like terraform and helmfile. A common use-case for Atmos is implementing components for Terraform "root modules".


Components are things like Terraform "root" modules, Helm Charts, Dockerfiles, or any fundamental building block of infrastructure.


Components offer a multitude of applications across various business scenarios. Cloud Posse publishes its AWS components for free, so you can see some technical use-cases for Terraform components.

  • Accelerate Development Cycles: By reusing components, development teams can significantly shorten the time from concept to deployment, facilitating faster product iterations and quicker responses to market changes.

  • Security policies and compliance controls DevOps and SecOps teams implement components to uniformly apply security policies and compliance controls across all cloud environments, ensuring regulatory adherence.

  • Enhance Collaboration Across Teams: Components foster a shared understanding and approach to infrastructure, promoting collaboration between development, operations, and security teams, leading to more cohesive and secure product development.

Best Practices

Here are some essential best practices to follow when designing architectures using infrastructure as code (IaC), focusing on optimizing component design, reusability, and lifecycle management. These guidelines are designed to help developers and operators build efficient, scalable, and reliable systems, ensuring a smooth and effective infrastructure management process.

  • Keep Your Components Small to Reduce the Blast Radius of Changes.
    Focus on creating small, reusable components that adhere to the UNIX philosophy by doing one thing well. This strategy leads to simpler updates, more straightforward troubleshooting, quicker plan/apply cycles, and a clearer separation of responsibilities.
  • Split Components By Lifecycle.
    For instance, a VPC, which is rarely destroyed, should be managed separately from more dynamic resources like clusters or databases that may frequently scale or undergo updates.
  • Make Them Opinionated, But Not Too Opinionated.
    Ensure components are generalized to prevent the proliferation of similar components, thereby promoting easier testing, reuse, and maintenance.
  • Use Parameterization, But Avoid Over-Parameterization.
    Good parameterization ensures components are reusable, but components become difficult to test and document with too many parameters.
  • Avoid Creating Factories Inside of Components.
    Minimize the blast radius of changes and maintain fast plan/apply cycles by not embedding factories within components that provision lists of resources. Instead, leverage Stack configurations to serve as factories for provisioning multiple component instances. This approach keeps the state isolated and scales efficiently with the increasing number of component instances.
  • Use Component Libraries & Vendoring Utilize a centralized component library to distribute and share components across the organization efficiently. This approach enhances discoverability by centralizing where components are stored, preventing sprawl and ensuring components are easily accessible to everyone. Employ vendoring to retrieve remote dependencies, like components, ensuring the practice of immutable infrastructure.
  • Enforce Standards using OPA Policies
    Apply component validation within stacks to establish policies governing component usage. These policies can be tailored as needed, allowing the same component to be validated differently depending on its context of use.
  • Organize Related Components with Folders.
    Organize multiple related components in a common folder. Use nested folders as necessary, to logically group components. For example, by grouping components by cloud provider and layer (e.g. components/terraform/aws/network/<vpc>)
  • Document Component Interfaces and Usage.
    Utilize tools such as terraform-docs to thoroughly document the input variables and outputs of your component. Include snippets of stack configuration to simplify understanding for developers on integrating the component into their stack configurations. Providing examples that cover common use-cases of the component is particularly effective.
  • Version Components for Breaking Changes.
    Use versioned folders within the component to delineate major versions (e.g. /components/terraform/<something>/v1/)
  • Use a Monorepo for Your Components.
    For streamlined development and simplified dependency management, smaller companies should consolidate stacks and components in a single monorepo, facilitating easier updates and unified versioning. Larger companies and enterprises with multiple monorepos can benefit from a central repository for upstream components, and then use vendoring to easily pull in these shared components to team-specific monorepos.
  • Maintain Loose Coupling Between Components.
    Avoid directly invoking one component from within another to ensure components remain loosely coupled. Specifically for Terraform components (root modules), this practice is unsupported due to the inability to define a backend in a child module, potentially leading to unexpected outcomes. It's crucial to steer clear of this approach to maintain system integrity.
  • Reserve Code Generation for Emergencies.
    We generally advise against using code generation for application logic (components), because it's challenging to ensure good test coverage (e.g. with terratest) and no one likes to code review machine-generated boilerplate in Pull Requests.

Component Schema

To configure a Component in a Stack, A Component consists of the infrastructure as code business logic (e.g. a Terraform "root" module) as well as the configuration of that component. The configuration of a component is stored in a Stack configuration.

  • Terraform Component is a Terraform Root Module that consists of the resources defined in the .tf files in a working directory (e.g. components/terraform/infra/vpc)

  • Atmos Component provides configuration (variables and other settings) for a type of component (e.g. a Terraform component) and is defined in one or more YAML stack config files (which are called Atmos stacks)

The schema of an Atmos Component in an Atmos Stack is as follows:

# the slug of the component

# configuration specific to atmos
# Components can be of type "real" (default) or "abstract"
type: real
# This is the directory path of the component.
# In this example, we're referencing a component in the `components/terraform/stable/example` folder.
component: stable/example

# We can leverage multiple inheritance to sequentially deep merge multiple configurations
- example-defaults

# Settings are where we store configuration related to integrations.
# It's a freeform map; anything can be placed here.
spacelift: { }

# Define the terraform variables, which will get deep-merged and exported to a `.tfvars` file by atmos.
enabled: true
name: superduper
nodes: 10

Component Attributes


The vars section is a free-form map. Use component validation to enforce policies.


This is an optional terraform-null-label convention.

The namespace of all stacks. Typically, there will be one namespace for the organization.


namespace: acme


This is an optional terraform-null-label convention.

In a multi-tenant configuration, the tenant represents a single tenant. By convention, we typically recommend that every tenant have its own Organizational Unit (OU).


tenant: platform


This is an optional terraform-null-label convention.

The stage is where workloads run. See our glossary for disambiguation.


# Production stage
stage: prod


This is an optional terraform-null-label convention.

The environment is used for location where things run. See our glossary for disambiguation.


# us-east-1
environment: ue1


The metadata section extends functionality of the component.


The settings block is a free-form map used to pass configuration information to integrations.

Types of Components

The type of component is expressed in the metadata.type parameter of a given component configuration.

There are two types of components:

  • real - is a "concrete" component instance that can be provisioned
  • abstract - a component configuration, which cannot be instantiated directly. The concept is borrowed from "abstract base classes" of Object-Oriented Programming

Flavors of Components

Atmos natively supports two kinds of components, but using custom commands, the CLI can be extended to support anything (e.g. docker, packer, ansible, etc.)

  1. Terraform: These are stand-alone "root modules" that implement some piece of your infrastructure. For example, typical components might be an EKS cluster, RDS cluster, EFS filesystem, S3 bucket, DynamoDB table, etc. You can find the full library of SweetOps Terraform components on GitHub. By convention, we store components in the components/terraform/ directory within the infrastructure repository.

  2. Helmfiles: These are stand-alone applications deployed using helmfile to Kubernetes. For example, typical helmfiles might deploy the DataDog agent, cert-manager controller, nginx-ingress controller, etc. By convention, we store these types of components in the components/helmfile/ directory within the infrastructure repository.

Terraform Components

One important distinction about components that is worth noting about Terraform components is they should be opinionated Terraform "root" modules that typically call other child modules. Components are the building blocks of your infrastructure. This is where you define all the business logic for provisioning some common piece of infrastructure like ECR repos (with the ecr component) or EKS clusters (with the eks/cluster component). Our convention is to stick Terraform components in the components/terraform/ directory.

If your components rely on submodules, our convention is to use a modules/ subfolder of the component to store them.

We do not recommend consuming one terraform component inside of another as that would defeat the purpose; each component is intended to be a loosely coupled unit of IaC with its own lifecycle. Furthermore, since components define a state backend and providers, it's not advisable to call one root module from another root module.