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terraform plan-diff

The atmos terraform plan-diff command compares two Terraform plans and shows the differences between them.

It takes an original plan file (--orig) and optionally a new plan file (--new). If the new plan file is not provided, it will generate one by running terraform plan with the current configuration.

The command shows differences in variables, resources, and outputs between the two plans.


atmos terraform plan-diff <component> -s <stack> --orig=<original-plan-file> [--new=<new-plan-file>] [options]


componentThe name of the component to run the command against


-s, --stackThe stack name to use (required)
--origPath to the original Terraform plan file (required)
--newPath to the new Terraform plan file (optional)
--skip-initSkip running terraform init before executing the command

You can also pass any additional flags and arguments that are supported by the terraform plan command when generating a new plan.


Compare an existing plan with a new plan generated with current configuration​

atmos terraform plan-diff myapp -s dev --orig=orig.plan

Compare two existing plan files​

atmos terraform plan-diff myapp -s dev --orig=orig.plan --new=new.plan

Output Format​

When there are no differences between the two plan files:

The planfiles are identical

When there are differences between the two plan files:

Diff Output

+ added_var: "new value"
- removed_var: "old value"
~ changed_var: "old value" => "new value"

+ aws_s3_bucket.new_bucket
- aws_instance.removed_instance
~ aws_security_group.modified_group
~ ingress.cidr_blocks: [""] => [""]
+ egress.port: 443

+ new_output: "value"
- removed_output: "value"
~ changed_output: "old" => "new"

Exit Codes​

Exit CodeDescription
0Success - no differences found
1Error occurred during execution
2Success - differences found between plans

Use Cases​

The plan-diff command is useful for:

  1. Validating changes: Compare a previously saved plan with the current state to see what has changed.
  2. Reviewing variable impacts: See how changing variables affects the infrastructure plan.
  3. CI/CD workflows: Use the exit code to determine if changes are expected or unexpected.
  4. Documentation: Generate human-readable diffs for change management and approvals.

How It Works​

The command:

  1. Runs terraform init in the component directory
  2. If --new is not specified, runs a plan and captures the output
  3. Runs terraform show -json for each plan to get the JSON representation
  4. Sorts the JSON for consistent comparison
  5. Creates a diff between the two plans
  6. Handles sensitive values properly by displaying (sensitive value)
  7. Returns appropriate exit code based on whether differences were found