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atmos describe workflows


Use this command to show all configured Atmos workflows.

atmos describe workflows --help


Execute the describe workflows command like this:

atmos describe workflows [options]

Run atmos describe workflows --help to see all the available options


atmos describe workflows
atmos describe workflows --output map
atmos describe workflows -o list
atmos describe workflows -o all
atmos describe workflows -o list --format json
atmos describe workflows -o all -f yaml
atmos describe workflows -f json


--formatSpecify the output format: yaml or json (yaml is default)-fno
--outputSpecify the output type: list, map or all (list is default)-ono

When the --output list flag is passed (default), the output of the command is a list of objects. Each object has the following schema:

  • file - the workflow manifest file name
  • workflow - the name of the workflow defined in the workflow manifest file

For example:

atmos describe workflows
atmos describe workflows -o list
- file: compliance.yaml
workflow: deploy/aws-config/global-collector
- file: compliance.yaml
workflow: deploy/aws-config/superadmin
- file: compliance.yaml
workflow: destroy/aws-config/global-collector
- file: compliance.yaml
workflow: destroy/aws-config/superadmin
- file: datadog.yaml
workflow: deploy/datadog-integration
- file: helpers.yaml
workflow: save/docker-config-json
- file: networking.yaml
workflow: apply-all-components
- file: networking.yaml
workflow: plan-all-vpc
- file: networking.yaml
workflow: plan-all-vpc-flow-logs

When the --output map flag is passed, the output of the command is a map of workflow manifests to the lists of workflows defined in each manifest. For example:

atmos describe workflows -o map
- deploy/aws-config/global-collector
- deploy/aws-config/superadmin
- destroy/aws-config/global-collector
- destroy/aws-config/superadmin
- deploy/datadog-integration
- save/docker-config-json
- apply-all-components
- plan-all-vpc
- plan-all-vpc-flow-logs

When the --output all flag is passed, the output of the command is a map of workflow manifests to the maps of all workflow definitions. For example:

atmos describe workflows -o all
name: Networking & Logging
description: Atmos workflows for managing VPCs and VPC Flow Logs
description: |
Run 'terraform apply' on all components in all stacks
- command: terraform apply vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-dev -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc -s plat-ue2-dev -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-dev -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc -s plat-uw2-dev -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-staging -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc -s plat-ue2-staging -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-staging -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc -s plat-uw2-staging -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-prod -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc -s plat-ue2-prod -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-prod -auto-approve
- command: terraform apply vpc -s plat-uw2-prod -auto-approve
description: |
Run 'terraform plan' on all 'vpc' components in all stacks
- command: terraform plan vpc -s plat-ue2-dev
- command: terraform plan vpc -s plat-uw2-dev
- command: terraform plan vpc -s plat-ue2-staging
- command: terraform plan vpc -s plat-uw2-staging
- command: terraform plan vpc -s plat-ue2-prod
- command: terraform plan vpc -s plat-uw2-prod
description: |
Run 'terraform plan' on all 'vpc-flow-logs-bucket' components in all stacks
- command: terraform plan vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-dev
- command: terraform plan vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-dev
- command: terraform plan vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-staging
- command: terraform plan vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-staging
- command: terraform plan vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-prod
- command: terraform plan vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-prod
name: Validation
description: Atmos workflows for VPCs and VPC Flow Logs validation
description: Validate all VPC components in all stacks
- command: validate component vpc -s plat-ue2-dev
- command: validate component vpc -s plat-uw2-dev
- command: validate component vpc -s plat-ue2-staging
- command: validate component vpc -s plat-uw2-staging
- command: validate component vpc -s plat-ue2-prod
- command: validate component vpc -s plat-uw2-prod
description: Validate all VPC Flow Logs bucket components in all stacks
- command: validate component vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-dev
- command: validate component vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-dev
- command: validate component vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-staging
- command: validate component vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-staging
- command: validate component vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-ue2-prod
- command: validate component vpc-flow-logs-bucket -s plat-uw2-prod

Use the atmos workflow CLI command to execute an Atmos workflow