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atmos describe stacks


Use this command to show the fully deep-merged configuration for all stacks and the components in the stacks.

atmos describe stacks --help


Execute the describe stacks command like this:

atmos describe stacks [options]

This command shows configuration for stacks and components in the stacks.


Run atmos describe stacks --help to see all the available options


atmos describe stacks
atmos describe stacks -s tenant1-ue2-dev
atmos describe stacks --file=stacks.yaml
atmos describe stacks --file=stacks.json --format=json
atmos describe stacks --components=infra/vpc
atmos describe stacks --components=echo-server,infra/vpc
atmos describe stacks --components=echo-server,infra/vpc --sections=none
atmos describe stacks --components=echo-server,infra/vpc --sections=none
atmos describe stacks --components=none --sections=metadata
atmos describe stacks --components=echo-server,infra/vpc --sections=vars,settings,metadata
atmos describe stacks --components=test/test-component-override-3 --sections=vars,settings,component,deps,inheritance --file=stacks.yaml
atmos describe stacks --components=test/test-component-override-3 --sections=vars,settings --format=json --file=stacks.json
atmos describe stacks --components=test/test-component-override-3 --sections=deps,vars -s=tenant2-ue2-staging

Use jq to filter the output.


--stackFilter by a specific stack.
Supports names of the top-level stack manifests (including subfolder paths),
and Atmos stack names (derived from the context vars)
--fileIf specified, write the result to the fileno
--formatSpecify the output format: yaml or json (yaml is default)no
--componentsFilter by specific Atmos components
(comma-separated string of component names)
--component-typesFilter by specific component types: terraform or helmfileno
--sectionsOutput only the specified component sections.
Available component sections: backend, backend_type, deps, env,
inheritance, metadata, remote_state_backend,
remote_state_backend_type, settings, vars