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atmos describe affected


Use this command to show a list of the affected Atmos components and stacks given two Git commits.

atmos describe affected --help


The command uses two different Git commits to produce a list of affected Atmos components and stacks.

For the first commit, the command assumes that the current repo root is a Git checkout. An error will be thrown if the current repo is not a Git repository (the .git/ folder does not exist or is configured incorrectly).

The second commit can be specified on the command line by using the --ref (Git References) or --sha (commit SHA) flags. The --sha takes precedence over the --ref flag.


If the flags are not provided, the ref will be set automatically to the reference to the default branch (refs/remotes/origin/HEAD Git ref, usually the main branch).

How does it work?​

The command performs the following:

  • If the --repo-path flag is passed, the command uses it as the path to the already cloned target repo with which to compare the current working branch. I this case, the command will not clone and checkout the target reference, but instead will use the already cloned one to compare the current branch with. In this case, the --ref, --sha, --ssh-key and --ssh-key-password flags are not used, and an error will be thrown if the --repo-path flag and any of the --ref, --sha, --ssh-key or --ssh-key-password flags are provided at the same time

  • Otherwise, if the --clone-target-ref=true flag is specified, the command clones (into a temp directory) the remote target with which to compare the current working branch. If the --ref flag or the commit SHA flag --sha are provided, the command uses them to clone and checkout the remote target. Otherwise, the HEAD of the remote origin is used (refs/remotes/origin/HEAD Git ref, usually the main branch)

  • Otherwise, (if the --repo-path and --clone-target-ref=true flags are not passed), the command does not clone anything from the remote origin, but instead just copies the current repo into a temp directory and checks out the target reference with which to compare the current working branch. If the --ref flag or the commit SHA flag --sha are provided, the command uses them to check out. Otherwise, the HEAD of the remote origin is used (refs/remotes/origin/HEAD Git ref, usually the main branch). This requires that the target reference is already cloned by Git, and the information about it exists in the .git directory (in case of using a non-default branch as the target, Git deep clone needs to be executed instead of a shallow clone). This is the recommended way to execute the atmos describe affected command since it allows working with private repositories without providing the SSH credentials (--ssh-key and --ssh-key-password flags), since in this case Atmos does not access the remote origin and instead just checks out the target reference (which is already on the local file system)

  • The command deep-merges all stack configurations from both sources: the current working branch and the target reference

  • The command searches for changes in the component directories

  • The command compares each stack manifest section of the stack configurations from both sources looking for differences

  • And finally, the command outputs a JSON or YAML document consisting of a list of the affected components and stacks and what caused it to be affected

Since Atmos first checks the component folders for changes, if it finds any affected files, it will mark all related components and stacks as affected. Atmos will then skip evaluating the stacks for differences since it already knows that they are affected.

Use our GitHub Action

Our affected stacks GitHub Action provides a ready-to-go way to run describe affected and produce a GitHub matrix.


atmos describe affected [options]

Run atmos describe affected --help to see all the available options


atmos describe affected
atmos describe affected --verbose=true
atmos describe affected --ref refs/heads/main
atmos describe affected --ref refs/heads/my-new-branch --verbose=true
atmos describe affected --ref refs/heads/main --format json
atmos describe affected --ref refs/tags/v1.16.0 --file affected.yaml --format yaml
atmos describe affected --sha 3a5eafeab90426bd82bf5899896b28cc0bab3073 --file affected.json
atmos describe affected --sha 3a5eafeab90426bd82bf5899896b28cc0bab3073
atmos describe affected --ssh-key <path_to_ssh_key>
atmos describe affected --ssh-key <path_to_ssh_key> --ssh-key-password <password>
atmos describe affected --repo-path <path_to_already_cloned_repo>
atmos describe affected --include-spacelift-admin-stacks=true
atmos describe affected --clone-target-ref=true
atmos describe affected --include-dependents=true
atmos describe affected --include-settings=true
atmos describe affected --stack=plat-ue2-prod
atmos describe affected --upload=true

Example Output

atmos describe affected --verbose=true

> atmos describe affected --verbose=true

Cloning repo '' into the temp dir '/var/folders/g5/lbvzy_ld2hx4mgrgyp19bvb00000gn/T/16710736261366892599'

Checking out the HEAD of the default branch ...

Enumerating objects: 4215, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1157/1157), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (576/576), done.
Total 4215 (delta 658), reused 911 (delta 511), pack-reused 3058

Checked out Git ref 'refs/heads/main'

Current HEAD: 7d37c1e890514479fae404d13841a2754be70cbf refs/heads/describe-affected
BASE: 40210e8d365d3d88ac13c0778c0867b679bbba69 refs/heads/main

Changed files:


Affected components and stacks:

"component": "infra/vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/infra/vpc",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-dev-infra-vpc",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-dev-infra-vpc",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-dev-infra-vpc",
"affected": "component"
"component": "infra/vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/infra/vpc",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-prod",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-prod-infra-vpc",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-prod-infra-vpc",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-prod-infra-vpc",
"affected": "component"
"component": "infra/vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/infra/vpc",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-staging",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-staging-infra-vpc",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-staging-infra-vpc",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-staging-infra-vpc",
"affected": "component"
"component": "top-level-component3",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/top-level-component1",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-test-1",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"affected": "file",
"file": "examples/tests/components/terraform/mixins/"
"component": "top-level-component3",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/top-level-component1",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-test-1",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"affected": "folder",
"folder": "examples/tests/components/helmfile/infra/infra-server"


--refGit Reference with which to compare the current working branchno
--shaGit commit SHA with which to compare the current working branchno
--fileIf specified, write the result to the fileno
--formatSpecify the output format: json or yaml (json is default)no
--ssh-keyPath to PEM-encoded private key to clone private repos using SSHno
--ssh-key-passwordEncryption password for the PEM-encoded private key if the key contains
a password-encrypted PEM block
--repo-pathPath to the already cloned target repository with which to compare the current branch.
Conflicts with --ref, --sha, --ssh-key and --ssh-key-password
--verbosePrint more detailed output when cloning and checking out the target
Git repository and processing the result
--include-spacelift-admin-stacksInclude the Spacelift admin stack of any stack
that is affected by config changes
--clone-target-refClone the target reference with which to compare the current branch.
atmos describe affected --clone-target-ref=true

If set to false (default), the target reference will be checked out instead
This requires that the target reference is already cloned by Git,
and the information about it exists in the .git directory
--stackOnly show results for the specific stack.
atmos describe affected --stack=plat-ue2-prod
--include-dependentsInclude the dependent components and stacks.
atmos describe affected --include-dependents=true
--include-settingsInclude the settings section for each affected component.
atmos describe affected --include-settings=true
--uploadUpload the affected components and stacks to a specified HTTP endpoint.

atmos describe affected --upload=true

Atmos will perform an HTTP POST request
where the base URL is defined by the ATMOS_PRO_BASE_URL environment variable,
and the URL path is defined by the ATMOS_PRO_ENDPOINTenvironment variable.


The command outputs a list of objects (in JSON or YAML format).

Each object has the following schema:

"component": "....",
"component_type": "....",
"component_path": "....",
"stack": "....",
"stack_slug": "....",
"spacelift_stack": ".....",
"atlantis_project": ".....",
"affected": ".....",
"file": ".....",
"folder": ".....",
"dependents": [],
"included_in_dependents": "true | false",
"settings": {}


  • component - the affected Atmos component

  • component_type - the type of the component (terraform or helmfile)

  • component_path - the filesystem path to the terraform or helmfile component

  • stack - the affected Atmos stack

  • stack_slug - the Atmos stack slug (concatenation of the Atmos stack and Atmos component)

  • spacelift_stack - the affected Spacelift stack. It will be included only if the Spacelift workspace is enabled for the Atmos component in the Atmos stack in the settings.spacelift.workspace_enabled section (either directly in the component's settings.spacelift.workspace_enabled section or via inheritance)

  • atlantis_project - the affected Atlantis project name. It will be included only if the Atlantis integration is configured in the settings.atlantis section in the stack config. Refer to Atlantis Integration for more details

  • file - if the Atmos component depends on an external file, and the file was changed (see affected.file below), the file attributes shows the modified file

  • folder - if the Atmos component depends on an external folder, and any file in the folder was changed (see affected.folder below), the folder attributes shows the modified folder

  • dependents - list of components that depend on the current affected component. It will be populated only if the command-line flag --include-dependents=true is passed (to take dependencies into account) and there are other components that depend on the affected component in the stack. Refer to atmos describe dependents for more details. The dependents property is hierarchical - each component in the list will also contain a dependents property if that component has dependent components as well

  • settings - the settings section of the component in the stack. It will be included only if the command-line flag --include-settings=true is passed. The settings sections is a free-form map used to pass configuration information to integrations

  • included_in_dependents - a boolean flag indicating if the affected component in the stack is also present in any of the dependents properties of the other affected components. It will be included only if the command-line flag --include-dependents=true is passed. If included_in_dependents is set to true, it indicates that the affected component in the stack is also present in any of the dependents lists in the dependency hierarchy of the other affected components. This flag can be used to decide whether to plan/apply the affected component - you might skip planning/applying the component since it's also a dependency of another affected component and will be triggered in the dependency order of the other affected component

  • affected - shows what was changed for the component. The possible values are:

    • stack.vars - the vars component section in the stack config has been modified

    • stack.env - the env component section in the stack config has been modified

    • stack.settings - the settings component section in the stack config has been modified

    • stack.metadata - the metadata component section in the stack config has been modified

    • component - the Terraform or Helmfile component that the Atmos component provisions has been changed

    • component.module - the Terraform component is affected because it uses a local Terraform module (not from the Terraform registry, but from the local filesystem), and that local module has been changed.

      For example, let's suppose that we have a catalog of reusable Terraform modules in the modules folder (outside the components folder), and we have defined the following label Terraform module in modules/label:

        module "label" {
      source = "cloudposse/label/null"
      version = "0.25.0"
      context = module.this.context

      output "label" {
      value = module.label
      description = "Label outputs"

      We then use the Terraform module in the components/terraform/top-level-component1 component:

        module "service_2_label" {
      source = "../../../modules/label"
      context = module.this.context

      output "service_2_id" {
      value =
      description = "Service 2 ID"

      The label module is not in the stack config of the top-level-component1 component (not in the YAML stack config files), but Atmos understands Terraform dependencies (using a Terraform parser from HashiCorp), and can automatically detect any changes to the module.

      For example, if you make changes to any files in the folder modules/label, Atmos will detect the module changes, and since the module is a Terraform dependency of the top-level-component1 component, Atmos will mark the component as affected with the affected attribute set to component.module:

      "component": "top-level-component1",
      "component_type": "terraform",
      "component_path": "examples/tests/components/terraform/top-level-component1",
      "stack": "tenant1-ue2-staging",
      "stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-staging-top-level-component1",
      "spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-staging-top-level-component1",
      "atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-staging-top-level-component1",
      "affected": "component.module"
      "component": "top-level-component1",
      "component_type": "terraform",
      "component_path": "examples/tests/components/terraform/top-level-component1",
      "stack": "tenant2-ue2-staging",
      "stack_slug": "tenant2-ue2-staging-top-level-component1",
      "spacelift_stack": "tenant2-ue2-staging-top-level-component1",
      "atlantis_project": "tenant2-ue2-staging-top-level-component1",
      "affected": "component.module"
    • stack.settings.spacelift.admin_stack_selector - the Atmos component for the Spacelift admin stack. This will be included only if all the following is true:

      • The atmos describe affected is executed with the --include-spacelift-admin-stacks=true flag

      • Any of the affected Atmos components has configured the section settings.spacelift.admin_stack_selector pointing to the Spacelift admin stack that manages the components. For example:

        # All Spacelift child stacks for the `tenant1` tenant are managed by the
        # `tenant1-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant1` Spacelift admin stack.
        # The `admin_stack_selector` attribute is used to find the affected Spacelift
        # admin stack for each affected Atmos stack
        # when executing the command
        # `atmos describe affected --include-spacelift-admin-stacks=true`
        component: infrastructure-tenant1
        tenant: tenant1
        environment: ue2
        stage: prod
      • The Spacelift admin stack is enabled by settings.spacelift.workspace_enabled set to true. For example:

        component: spacelift
        - spacelift-defaults
        workspace_enabled: true
    • file - an external file on the local filesystem that the Atmos component depends on was changed.

      Dependencies on external files (not in the component's folder) are defined using the file attribute in the settings.depends_on map. For example:

      component: "top-level-component1"
      file: "examples/tests/components/terraform/mixins/"

      In the configuration above, we specify that the Atmos component top-level-component3 depends on the file examples/tests/components/terraform/mixins/ (which is not in the component's folder). If the file gets modified, the component top-level-component3 will be included in the atmos describe affected command output. For example:

      "component": "top-level-component3",
      "component_type": "terraform",
      "component_path": "components/terraform/top-level-component1",
      "stack": "tenant1-ue2-test-1",
      "stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
      "atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
      "affected": "file",
      "file": "examples/tests/components/terraform/mixins/"
    • folder - any file in an external folder that the Atmos component depends on was changed.

      Dependencies on external folders are defined using the folder attribute in the settings.depends_on map. For example:

      component: "top-level-component1"
      file: "examples/tests/components/terraform/mixins/"
      folder: "examples/tests/components/helmfile/infra/infra-server"

      In the configuration above, we specify that the Atmos component top-level-component3 depends on the folder examples/tests/components/helmfile/infra/infra-server. If any file in the folder gets modified, the component top-level-component3 will be included in the atmos describe affected command output. For example:

      "component": "top-level-component3",
      "component_type": "terraform",
      "component_path": "components/terraform/top-level-component1",
      "stack": "tenant1-ue2-test-1",
      "stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
      "atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
      "affected": "folder",
      "folder": "examples/tests/components/helmfile/infra/infra-server"

Abstract Atmos components (where metadata.type is set to abstract) are not included in the output since they serve as blueprints for other Atmos components and are not meant to be provisioned.

Output Example​

atmos describe affected --include-spacelift-admin-stacks=true

"component": "infrastructure-tenant1",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/tests/components/terraform/spacelift",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-prod",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant1",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant1",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant1",
"affected": "stack.settings.spacelift.admin_stack_selector"
"component": "infrastructure-tenant2",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/tests/components/terraform/spacelift",
"stack": "tenant2-ue2-prod",
"stack_slug": "tenant2-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant2",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant2-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant2",
"atlantis_project": "tenant2-ue2-prod-infrastructure-tenant2",
"affected": "stack.settings.spacelift.admin_stack_selector"
"component": "test/test-component-override-2",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/test/test-component",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-dev-test-test-component-override-2",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-dev-new-component",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-dev-new-component",
"affected": "stack.vars"
"component": "infra/vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/infra/vpc",
"stack": "tenant2-ue2-staging",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-staging-infra-vpc",
"spacelift_stack": "tenant1-ue2-staging-infra-vpc",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-staging-infra-vpc",
"affected": "component"
"component": "test/test-component-override-3",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/test/test-component",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-prod",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-prod-test-test-component-override-3",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-prod-test-test-component-override-3",
"affected": "stack.env"
"component": "top-level-component3",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/top-level-component1",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-test-1",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"affected": "file",
"file": "examples/tests/components/terraform/mixins/"
"component": "top-level-component3",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "components/terraform/top-level-component1",
"stack": "tenant1-ue2-test-1",
"stack_slug": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"atlantis_project": "tenant1-ue2-test-1-top-level-component3",
"affected": "folder",
"folder": "examples/tests/components/helmfile/infra/infra-server"

Affected Components with Dependencies​

The output of the atmos describe affected command can include dependencies for the affected components.

If the command-line flag --include-dependents=true is passed to the atmos describe affected command, and there are other components that depend on the affected components in the stack, the command will include a dependents property (list) for each affected component. The dependents property is hierarchical - each component in the list will also contain a dependents property if that component has dependent components as well.

For example, suppose that we have the following configuration for the Atmos components component-1, component-2 and component-3 in the stack plat-ue2-dev:


component: "terraform-component-1"
vars: {}

component: "terraform-component-2"
vars: {}
component: "component-1"

component: "terraform-component-3"
vars: {}
component: "component-2"

For more details on how to configure component dependencies, refer to atmos describe dependents

In the above configuration, component-3 depends on component-2, whereas component-2 depends on component-1.

If all the components are affected (modified) in the current working branch, the atmos describe affected --include-dependents=true command will produce the following result:

atmos describe affected --include-dependents=true

"component": "component-1",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-component-1",
"included_in_dependents": false,
"dependents": [
"component": "component-2",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-component-2",
"dependents": [
"component": "component-3",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-component-3"
"component": "component-2",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-component-2",
"included_in_dependents": true,
"dependents": [
"component": "component-3",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-component-3"
"component": "component-3",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-component-3",
"included_in_dependents": true

The component-1 component does not depend on any other component, and therefore it has the included_in_dependents attribute set to false. The component-2 and component-3 components depend on other components and are included in the dependents property of the other components, and hence the included_in_dependents attribute is set to true.

When processing the above output, you might decide to not plan/apply the component-2 and component-3 components since they are in the dependents property of the component-1 component. Instead, you might just trigger component-1 and then component-2 and component-3 in the order of dependencies.

Working with Private Repositories​

There are a few ways to work with private repositories with which the current local branch is compared to detect the changed files and affected Atmos stacks and components:

  • Using the --ssh-key flag to specify the filesystem path to a PEM-encoded private key to clone private repos using SSH, and the --ssh-key-password flag to provide the encryption password for the PEM-encoded private key if the key contains a password-encrypted PEM block

  • Execute the atmos describe affected --repo-path <path_to_cloned_target_repo> command in a GitHub Action. For this to work, clone the remote private repository using the checkout GitHub action. Then use the --repo-path flag to specify the path to the already cloned target repository with which to compare the current branch

  • It should just also work with whatever SSH config/context has been already set up, for example, when using SSH agents. In this case, you don't need to use the --ssh-key, --ssh-key-password and --repo-path flags to clone private repositories

Using with GitHub Actions​

If the atmos describe affected command is executed in a GitHub Action, and you don't want to store or generate a long-lived SSH private key on the server, you can do the following (NOTE: This is only required if the action is attempting to clone a private repo which is not itself):

  • Create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with scope permissions to clone private repos

  • Add the created PAT as a repository or GitHub organization secret

  • In your GitHub action, clone the remote repository using the checkout GitHub action

  • Execute atmos describe affected command with the --repo-path flag set to the cloned repository path using the GITHUB_WORKSPACE ENV variable (which points to the default working directory on the GitHub runner for steps, and the default location of the repository when using the checkout action). For example:

    atmos describe affected --repo-path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE

Upload the affected components and stacks to an HTTP endpoint​

If the --upload=true command-line flag is passed, Atmos will upload the affected components and stacks to a specified HTTP endpoint.

The endpoint can process the affected components and their dependencies in a CI/CD pipeline (e.g. execute terraform apply on all the affected components in the stacks and all the dependencies).

Atmos will perform an HTTP POST request to the URL ${ATMOS_PRO_BASE_URL}/${ATMOS_PRO_ENDPOINT}, where the base URL is defined by the ATMOS_PRO_BASE_URL environment variable, and the URL path is defined by the ATMOS_PRO_ENDPOINT environment variable.

An Authorization header Authorization: Bearer $ATMOS_PRO_TOKEN will be added to the HTTP request (if the ATMOS_PRO_TOKEN environment variable is set) to provide credentials to authenticate with the server.


If the --upload=true command-line flag is passed, the --include-dependencies and --include-settings flags are automatically set to true, so the affected components will be uploaded with their dependencies and settings (if they are configured in Atmos stack manifests).

The payload of the HTTP POST request will be a JSON object with the following schema:

Payload of 'atmos describe affected --upload=true' command

"base_sha": "6746ba4df9e87690c33297fe740011e5ccefc1f9",
"head_sha": "5360d911d9bac669095eee1ca1888c3ef5291084",
"repo_url": "",
"repo_host": "",
"repo_name": "atmos",
"repo_owner": "cloudposse",
"stacks": [
"component": "vpc",
"component_type": "terraform",
"component_path": "examples/quick-start-advanced/components/terraform/vpc",
"stack": "plat-ue2-dev",
"stack_slug": "plat-ue2-dev-vpc",
"affected": "stack.vars",
"included_in_dependents": false,
"dependents": [],
"settings": {}



the Git commit SHA of the base branch against which the changes in the current commit are compared


the SHA of the current Git commit


the URL of the current repository


the name of the current repository


the owner of the current repository


the host of the current repository


a list of affected components and stacks with their dependencies and settings