Use these commands to perform operations.
🗃️ atlantis
1 item
🗃️ aws
1 item
🗃️ describe
6 items
🗃️ helmfile
1 item
🗃️ list
2 items
🗃️ pro
2 items
🗃️ terraform
9 items
🗃️ validate
3 items
🗃️ vendor
1 item
📄️ completion
Use this command to generate completion scripts for `Bash`, `Zsh`, `Fish` and `PowerShell`.
📄️ docs
Use this command to open the Atmos docs
📄️ help
📄️ version
Use this command to get the Atmos CLI version
📄️ workflow
Use this command to perform sequential execution of `atmos` and `shell` commands defined as workflow steps.