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Where to go from here...

Atmos provides unlimited flexibility in defining and configuring stacks and components in the stacks.

What you have learned

  • Terraform "root modules" are deployed as components that are organized in sub-folders within components/terraform by type, team, operations, or any other category.
  • Stacks define the configuration of your "root modules", and can have arbitrary names and located anywhere in the stacks/ directory; Atmos finds stacks using a "slug".
  • Terraform components can be reused any number of times by giving them unique names in the stack configurations and pointing them to the same Terraform root module.

All the above makes Atmos an ideal framework for organizing infrastructure, designing for organizational complexity, and provisioning multi-account environments for very complex organizations.

As you continue to poke around, here are some suggestions for what to do next:

  1. Review Atmos Design Patterns
  2. Use GitHub Actions
  3. Try the Advanced Tutorial

Next Steps

Now that you’ve seen Atmos in action, take a moment to explore its core concepts.

You have only just scratched the surface of Atmos. Atmos is a powerful enterprise-grade framework with so much more to offer! Learn Core Concepts