Advanced Tutorial
Take 30 minutes to learn the most important Atmos concepts. We recommend starting with the Simple Quick Start tutorial before diving into this advanced tutorial. This tutorial will take you through the process of configuring and provisioning infrastructure on AWS using Atmos. It requires administrative access to an AWS organization.
This Quick Start guide describes the steps to configure and provision the infrastructure from this Quick Start repository.
You can clone it and configure to your own needs. The repository should be a good start to get yourself familiar with Atmos.
In this advanced tutorial, we’ll delve into concepts like inheritance and state management. Additionally, we’ll cover how to read the remote state from other components using native Terraform. This example focuses on AWS, and while Atmos isn’t AWS-specific, this tutorial will be.
We’ll assume you have administrative access to an AWS organization, as this tutorial will also provision AWS accounts and the IAM architecture. If you don’t have these prerequisites, our Simple Quick Start tutorial might be a more practical starting point.
The 10 steps to configure and provision the infrastructure are as follows:
- Install Atmos
- Configure Project Repository
- Configure Atmos CLI
- Vendor Component Dependencies
- Create Atmos Stacks
- Configure Validation
- Automate Common Workflows
- Add Custom Commands
- Configure Terraform Backend
- Deploy Everything
We'll then conclude with some final notes and next steps
📄️ Configure Project Repository
Atmos supports both the monorepo and polyrepo architectures when managing the configurations for components
📄️ Configure Atmos CLI
In the previous step, we've decided on the following:
📄️ Vendor Components
In the previous steps, we've configured the repository and decided to provision the vpc-flow-logs-bucket and vpc Terraform
📄️ Create Stacks
In the previous step, we've configured the Terraform components and described how they can be vendored into the repository.
📄️ Validation Configurations
Atmos supports Stack Schema Validation and Custom Policy Validation
📄️ Automate Common Workflows
Atmos workflows are a way of combining multiple commands into executable units of work.
📄️ Add Custom Commands
Atmos can be easily extended to support any number of custom CLI commands.
📄️ Configure Terraform Backend
In the previous steps, we've configured the vpc-flow-logs-bucket and vpc Terraform components to be provisioned into three AWS accounts
📄️ Provision
Having configured the Terraform components, the Atmos components catalog, all the mixins and defaults, and the Atmos top-level stacks, we can now
📄️ Final Notes
Atmos provides unlimited flexibility in defining and configuring stacks and components in the stacks.
📄️ Next Steps
You have just learned the essentials of Atmos.