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Vendor Components

In the previous steps, we've configured the repository and decided to provision the vpc-flow-logs-bucket and vpc Terraform components into three AWS accounts (dev, staging, prod) in the two AWS regions (us-east-2 and us-west-2). We've also configured the Atmos CLI in the atmos.yaml CLI config file to search for the Terraform components in the components/terraform directory.

Next step is to create the Terraform components vpc-flow-logs-bucket and vpc.

One way to create the Terraform components is to copy them into the corresponding folders in your repo:

  • Copy the vpc-flow-logs-bucket component from the open-source component repository vpc-flow-logs-bucket into the components/terraform/vpc-flow-logs-bucket folder

  • Copy the vpc component from the open-source component repository vpc into the components/terraform/vpc folder


The recommended way to vendor the components is to execute the atmos vendor pull CLI command.


For more information about Atmos Vendoring and the atmos vendor pull CLI command, refer to:

To vendor the components from the open-source component repository terraform-aws-components, perform the following steps:

Step 0: Create a vendor.yaml config file

Create a vendor.yaml Atmos vendor config file in the root of the repo with the following content:


apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: AtmosVendorConfig
name: example-vendor-config
description: Atmos vendoring manifest
# `imports` or `sources` (or both) must be defined in a vendoring manifest
imports: []

# `source` supports the following protocols: local paths (absolute and relative), OCI (,
# Git, Mercurial, HTTP, HTTPS, Amazon S3, Google GCP,
# and all URL and archive formats as described in
# In 'source', Golang templates are supported
# If 'version' is provided, '{{.Version}}' will be replaced with the 'version' value before pulling the files from 'source'.
- component: "vpc"
source: "{{.Version}}"
version: "1.398.0"
- "components/terraform/vpc"
# Only include the files that match the 'included_paths' patterns.
# If 'included_paths' is not specified, all files will be matched except those that match the patterns from 'excluded_paths'.
# 'included_paths' support POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star `**` is supported).
- "**/*.tf"
- "**/"
# Tags can be used to vendor component that have the specific tags
# `atmos vendor pull --tags networking`
# Refer to
- networking
- component: "vpc-flow-logs-bucket"
source: "{{.Version}}"
version: "1.398.0"
- "components/terraform/vpc-flow-logs-bucket"
- "**/*.tf"
- "**/"
# Tags can be used to vendor component that have the specific tags
# `atmos vendor pull --tags networking,storage`
# Refer to
- storage
Advanced Configuration

The glob library that Atmos uses to download remote artifacts does not treat the double-star ** as including sub-folders. If the component's folder has sub-folders, and you need to vendor them, they have to be explicitly defined as in the following example.


- component: "vpc-flow-logs-bucket"
source: "{{.Version}}"
version: "1.398.0"
- "components/terraform/vpc-flow-logs-bucket"
- "**/*.tf"
# If the component's folder has the `modules` sub-folder, it needs to be explicitly defined
- "**/modules/**"

Step 0: Vendor the dependencies

Execute the command atmos vendor pull from the root of the repo.

atmos vendor pull

Processing vendor config file 'vendor.yaml'

Pulling sources for the component 'vpc'
from ''
into 'components/terraform/vpc'

Pulling sources for the component 'vpc-flow-logs-bucket'
from ''
into 'components/terraform/vpc-flow-logs-bucket/1.343.1'

After the command is executed, the filesystem layout should look like this:

   │   # Centralized stacks configuration
   ├── stacks
   │   # Centralized components configuration. Components are broken down by tool
   └── components
       └── terraform # Terraform components (Terraform root modules)
           ├── vpc
           │   ├──
           │   ├──
           │   ├──
           │   ├──
           │   ├──
           │   ├──
           │   ├──
           │   └──
           └── vpc-flow-logs-bucket

Each component follows the Standard Module Structure that Terraform recommends. There are a few additions:

  • - this file contains all the common variables that Terraform modules and components consume (to make the component's file DRY). This is a standard file that is copied into each component. The file also defines the context variables (namespace, tenant, environment, stage) which are used by Atmos to search for Atmos stacks when executing the CLI commands

  • in the vpc component - this file configures the remote-state Terraform module to obtain the remote state for the vpc-flow-logs-bucket component. The vpc Terraform component needs the outputs from the vpc-flow-logs-bucket Terraform component to configure VPC Flow Logs and store them in the S3 bucket


module "vpc_flow_logs_bucket" {
count = local.vpc_flow_logs_enabled ? 1 : 0

source = "cloudposse/stack-config/yaml//modules/remote-state"
version = "1.5.0"

# Specify the Atmos component name (defined in YAML stack config files)
# for which to get the remote state outputs
component = "vpc-flow-logs-bucket"

# Override the context variables to point to a different Atmos stack if the
# `vpc-flow-logs-bucket` Atmos component is provisioned in another AWS account, OU or region
stage = try(coalesce(var.vpc_flow_logs_bucket_stage_name, module.this.stage), null)
tenant = try(coalesce(var.vpc_flow_logs_bucket_tenant_name, module.this.tenant), null)
environment = try(coalesce(var.vpc_flow_logs_bucket_environment_name, module.this.environment), null)

# `context` input is a way to provide the information about the stack (using the context
# variables `namespace`, `tenant`, `environment`, `stage` defined in the stack config)
context = module.this.context

Remote State Notes

The remote-state Terraform module uses the terraform-provider-utils Terraform provider to read Atmos configuration and obtain the remote state for Atmos components.

Both the atmos CLI and terraform-provider-utils Terraform provider use the same Go code, which try to locate the CLI config atmos.yaml file before parsing and processing Atmos stacks.

This means that atmos.yaml file must be at a location in the file system where all processes can find it.

While placing atmos.yaml at the root of the repository will work for Atmos, it will not work for the terraform-provider-utils Terraform provider because the provider gets executed from the component's directory (e.g. components/terraform/vpc), and we don't want to replicate atmos.yaml into every component's folder.


atmos.yaml is loaded from the following locations (from lowest to highest priority):

  • System dir (/usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml on Linux, %LOCALAPPDATA%/atmos/atmos.yaml on Windows)
  • Home dir (~/.atmos/atmos.yaml)
  • Current directory

For this to work for both the atmos CLI and the Terraform utils provider, we recommend doing one of the following:

  • Put atmos.yaml at /usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml on local host and set the ENV var ATMOS_BASE_PATH to point to the absolute path of the root of the repo

  • Put atmos.yaml into the home directory (~/.atmos/atmos.yaml) and set the ENV var ATMOS_BASE_PATH pointing to the absolute path of the root of the repo

  • Put atmos.yaml at a location in the file system and then set the ENV var ATMOS_CLI_CONFIG_PATH to point to that location. The ENV var must point to a folder without the atmos.yaml file name. For example, if atmos.yaml is at /atmos/config/atmos.yaml, set ATMOS_CLI_CONFIG_PATH=/atmos/config. Then set the ENV var ATMOS_BASE_PATH pointing to the absolute path of the root of the repo

  • When working in a Docker container, place atmos.yaml in the rootfs directory at /rootfs/usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml and then copy it into the container's file system in the Dockerfile by executing the COPY rootfs/ / Docker command. Then in the Dockerfile, set the ENV var ATMOS_BASE_PATH pointing to the absolute path of the root of the repo. Note that the Atmos example uses Geodesic as the base Docker image. Geodesic sets the ENV var ATMOS_BASE_PATH automatically to the absolute path of the root of the repo on local host

For a complete description of how Atmos components use remote state, refer to Component Remote State.