Core Concepts of the Atmos Framework
Atmos simplifies the process of managing and deploying your infrastructure across cloud platforms. Dive into these core concepts of Atmos to discover how they facilitate these processes.
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🗃️ Setup Project
3 items
🗃️ Build Components
3 items
📄️ Core Concepts
Atmos Core Concepts
🗃️ Configure Stacks
9 items
🗃️ Share Data Between Components
1 item
🗃️ Describe Configuration
2 items
🗃️ Validate Configurations
4 items
📄️ Deploy Components
Deploy components with a single command or in a CI/CD pipeline.
🗃️ Vendor Dependencies
2 items
📄️ Automate Workflows
Workflows are a way of combining multiple commands into one executable unit of work.
📄️ Implement Custom Commands
Atmos can be easily extended to support any number of custom CLI commands. Custom commands are exposed through the atmos CLI when you run atmos help. It's a great way to centralize the way operational tools are run in order to improve DX.
🗃️ Troubleshoot
2 items