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Stage 8: Team Challenges

As Terraform use grows within the team, it becomes clear that what facilitated the initial success, is insufficient for the next level of growth and teamwork. This stage is a turning point, emphasizing the need for evolved workflows, enhanced collaboration tools, and a more structured approach to managing scalable infrastructure projects.

  1. Change velocity increases dramatically.
  2. Codebase increases in size by 10x (but with lots of duplication).
  3. New SLA/Commitment to keep it all running all the time.
New Problems
  1. Configuration starts drifting more often as the team neglects to apply changes consistently, or "ClickOps" persists in parts of the organization.
  2. Developers are stepping on each other's toes. What worked when there were only a few developers no longer scales.
  3. Poor controls and lack of consistency of Terraform code. Tons of duplication.


But it turns out, it wasn't that easy for everyone to run these scripts. Lot's tooling needs to be installed. Some developers are on Windows, some on Mac, and others on Linux. The scripts weren't that not portable, so the team is struggling to keep up with the changes. And the documentation, isn't that great either.

To solve these problems, developers realize it's time to bite the bullet and implement a CI/CD process for their Terraform code.

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