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Install Atmos

There are many ways to install Atmos. Choose the method that works best for you!

To check what version of Atmos you have installed, just run atmos version. The latest version of Atmos is v1.162.1.

To find the latest available version of Atmos, visit the Releases Page. The latest version will always be available for download here.

Using OS Package Managers

Atmos has native packages for macOS and every major Linux distribution. We also supply binary releases for Windows.

macOS (OSX)

From Homebrew, install directly by running:

brew install atmos

Pro tip! Use a Brewfile

Create a Brewfile in your Atmos project, and add brew "atmos". This way, you can ensure that everyone on your team is using the same version of Atmos.


brew "atmos", "v1.162.1"

Then just run brew install in the same directory as the Brewfile.

Other Ways to Install

Atmos has a few other ways to install, including using Go, asdf, mise, aqua, building from source, or using the automatic installer.

Install with Go

Install the latest version:

go install

Grab a specific version:

go install

Or specifically request the latest version.

go install

NOTE: Since the version is passed in via -ldflags during the build, when running go install without using -ldflags, the CLI will return 0.0.1 when running atmos version.


The latest version of Atmos (v1.162.1) might not be available with third-party package managers.

Download Binaries from Releases Page

  • Go to Releases Page

  • Download the binary for your operating system and architecture. Replace ${version} with the desired version

    • e.g. If you’re on a Mac (M1/M2/M3), download the atmos_${version}_darwin_arm64 binary
    • e.g. If you’re on an Intel Mac, download the atmos_${version}_darwin_amd64 binary
    • e.g. If you’re on Windows, download atmos_${version}_windows_amd64.exe, etc.
  • Rename the downloaded file to atmos (optional)

  • Add the execution bit to the binary (e.g. on Linux and Mac, run chmod u+x atmos)

  • Place the binary somewhere on your PATH (e.g. on Linux and Mac: mv atmos /usr/local/bin/)

Set Up Your Terminal

Atmos is a modern CLI with a Text-based UI (TUI), as such, for the best experience we recommend ensuring you have a decent terminal and modern fonts installed and configured in your terminal.

TERM Environment Variable

Atmos uses ANSI color codes. These should work in every modern terminal, including the default terminal shipped with macOS. You may have to set the TERM environment variable to xterm-256color for it to work. This can be persisted in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file (or the respective RC file of whatever shell is in use).

export TERM=xterm-256color

If you're having any troule, try iTerm2 or any other modern day terminal that supports ANSI characters and fonts.

Install NerdFonts

To display all icons used by atmos, we recommend the use of a Nerd Font, like Fira Code.


Nerd Fonts are popular fonts that are patched to include icons.

The exact process will depend on your terminal and operating system, but the general idea is to install a font that includes the necessary glyphs and then configure your terminal.

Go to for more information.


We recommend the "Fira Code" NerdFont version, which is what all our screenshots are based on.


If you're using Homebrew, you can tap the homebrew-cask-fonts repository to install Nerd Fonts.

Paste the following into a macOS Terminal window.

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts     # You only need to do this once!
brew search nerd-font # Search for font packages

# Install the NerdFont version of Fira Code
brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font

Next Steps

Now, try one of our Quick Start guides to get started with Atmos

Simple Tutorial

Advanced Tutorial