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Component Vendoring

Atmos natively supports the concept of "vendoring", which is making a copy of 3rd-party components or other dependencies in your own repo. Our implementation is primarily inspired by the excellent tool by VMware Tanzu, called vendir. While Atmos does not call vendir, it functions and supports a subset of the configuration that is very similar.


Atmos vendoring streamlines component sharing and version control across an enterprise, enhancing efficiency and collaboration while offering the flexibility to customize and manage multiple versions of dependencies, ensuring best practices in DevOps environments.

  • Sharing Components Across an Enterprise: Utilize Atmos vendoring to access a centralized component library, promoting code reuse and efficiency across teams (or business units) while enabling customization and independent version control post-vendoring. This approach enhances collaboration without sacrificing the flexibility for teams to tailor components to their specific needs or update them at their preferred pace.
  • Managing Multiple Versions of Dependencies: Use Atmos vendoring to manage multiple versions of remote dependencies, effectively implementing version pinning through locally controlled artifacts. By configuring a stacks component directory (e.g., vpc/v1 or vpc/v2), vendoring provides maximum flexibility while still aligning with best practices in DevOps environments.
  • Reinforce Immutable Infrastructure: Employ Atmos vendoring to store immutable infrastructure artifacts, guaranteeing that once a committed, it remains unaltered throughout its lifecycle, ensuring stability and reliability in deployments.


Atmos supports two different ways of vendoring components:

  • Using vendor.yaml vendoring manifest file containing a list of all dependencies. See Vendoring.
  • Using component.yaml manifest file inside of a component directory. See below.

The vendor.yaml vendoring manifest describes the vendoring config for all components, stacks and other artifacts for the entire infrastructure. The file is placed into the directory from which the atmos vendor pull command is executed. It's the recommended way to describe vendoring configurations.


Refer to Atmos Vendoring for more details

The component.yaml vendoring manifest is used to vendor components from remote repositories. A component.yaml file placed into a component's directory is used to describe the vendoring config for one component only.


Vendoring using component.yaml manifest

After defining the component.yaml vendoring manifest, the remote component can be downloaded by running the following command:

atmos vendor pull -c components/terraform/vpc

Refer to atmos vendor pull CLI command for more details

Vendoring Components from a Monorepo

To vendor a component, create a component.yaml file stored inside the components/_type_/_name_/ folder (e.g. components/terraform/vpc/).

The schema of a component.yaml file is as follows:

apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: ComponentVendorConfig
name: vpc-flow-logs-bucket-vendor-config
description: Source and mixins config for vendoring of 'vpc-flow-logs-bucket' component
# Source 'uri' supports the following protocols: OCI (, Git, Mercurial, HTTP, HTTPS, Amazon S3, Google GCP,
# and all URL and archive formats as described in
# In 'uri', Golang templates are supported
# If 'version' is provided, '{{.Version}}' will be replaced with the 'version' value before pulling the files from 'uri'
# To vendor a module from a Git repo, use the following format: '{{.Version}}
version: 1.398.0

# Only include the files that match the 'included_paths' patterns
# If 'included_paths' is not specified, all files will be matched except those that match the patterns from 'excluded_paths'
# 'included_paths' support POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star/globstar `**` is supported)
- "**/*.tf"
- "**/*.tfvars"
- "**/*.md"

# Exclude the files that match any of the 'excluded_paths' patterns
# Note that we are excluding '' since a newer version of it will be downloaded using 'mixins'
# 'excluded_paths' support POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star/globstar `**` is supported)
- "**/"

# Mixins override files from 'source' with the same 'filename' (e.g. '' will override '' from the 'source')
# All mixins are processed in the order they are declared in the list.
- uri:
- uri:{{.Version}}/modules/datadog-agent/
version: 1.398.0


The glob library that Atmos uses to download remote artifacts does not treat the double-star ** as including sub-folders. If the component's folder has sub-folders, and you need to vendor them, they have to be explicitly defined as in the following example.

version: 1.398.0
- "**/**"
# If the component's folder has the `modules` sub-folder, it needs to be explicitly defined
- "**/modules/**"

Vendoring Modules as Components

Any terraform module can also be used as a component, provided that Atmos backend generation (auto_generate_backend_file is true) is enabled. Use this strategy when you want to use the module directly, without needing to wrap it in a component to add additional functionality. This is essentially treating a terraform child module as a root module.

To vendor a module as a component, simply create a component.yaml file stored inside the components/_type_/_name_/ folder (e.g. components/terraform/ec2-instance/component.yaml).

The schema of a component.yaml file for a module is as follows. Note the usage of the /// in the uri, which is to vendor from the root of the remote repository.

apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: ComponentVendorConfig
name: ec2-instance
description: Source for vendoring of 'ec2-instance' module as a component
# To vendor a module from a Git repo, use the following format: '{{.Version}}
version: 0.47.1

# Only include the files that match the 'included_paths' patterns
# 'included_paths' support POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star/globstar `**` is supported)
- "**/*.tf"
- "**/*.tfvars"
- "**/*.md"

Vendoring Components from OCI Registries

Atmos supports vendoring components from OCI registries.

To specify a repository in an OCI registry, use the oci://<registry>/<repository>:tag scheme in the sources and mixins.

Components from OCI repositories are downloaded as Docker image tarballs, then all the layers are processed, un-tarred and un-compressed, and the component's source files are written into the component's directory.

For example, to vendor the vpc component from the AWS public ECR registry, use the following uri:

uri: "oci://"

The schema of a component.yaml file is as follows:

# This is an example of how to download a Terraform component from an OCI registry (, e.g. AWS Public ECR

# 'component.yaml' in the component folder is processed by the 'atmos' commands:
# 'atmos vendor pull -c infra/vpc' or 'atmos vendor pull --component infra/vpc'

apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: ComponentVendorConfig
name: stable/aws/vpc
description: Config for vendoring of the 'stable/aws/vpc' component
# Source 'uri' supports the following protocols: OCI (, Git, Mercurial, HTTP, HTTPS, Amazon S3, Google GCP,
# and all URL and archive formats as described in
# In 'uri', Golang templates are supported
# If 'version' is provided, '{{.Version}}' will be replaced with the 'version' value before pulling the files from 'uri'
# Download the component from the AWS public ECR registry (
uri: "oci://{{.Version}}"
version: "latest"
# Only include the files that match the 'included_paths' patterns
# If 'included_paths' is not specified, all files will be matched except those that match the patterns from 'excluded_paths'
# 'included_paths' support POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star `**` is supported)
- "**/*.*"